Do you listen to your inner voices?

This past May I was faced with a really tough decision – listen to my intuition and follow the scary, uncertain, path, or take the safe route.

I chose the scary, uncertain, path. And once I did, I felt, for the first time in a long time, an overwhelmed sense of inner peace.

You see, I am a chronic safe-route picker.

It is the one that usually wins in my mind. I know I am not alone in this spot, so many of us tell ourselves where we are at is good enough – we are supposed to be here. We need to just stay the path for now. Something better will happen later, now is not the time.

But I have to tell you the other side – it’s a whole new level of inner peace that I am experiencing. And I want to help everyone else experience it as well! I can’t keep it all for myself; you need to feel it too!

So, I thought I would share with you my top five learnings that happened when I chose to listen, and trust, my intuition and inner voices.

  1. Resiliency –I have described myself with this word more times in the last three months than in my whole life. Life will break us. Nobody can every protect us from that even if we are living alone in a cardboard box. But how we choose to remain in the eye of the storm says a lot about ourselves to ourselves. When you trust and listen to your intuition, resiliency is the frosting that keeps the cake together. It’s your internal glue. And who doesn’t love to feel resilient? The energy that comes from saying and feeling that word is like a firework going off on the top of a mountain!
  2. Growth – I have read “Don’t just go through life, grow through life” many times and it is so profound for me. When I go through life and ignore all the signs and block out the whispers, I don’t grow. I have learned in the last couple of years to know that all the signs and heart-tugging whispers are for me and only me. No one else is hearing them but me so I better listen up. Once I started opening my eyes and ears more and trusting what I was seeing, the peace that showed up was the calm I was yearning for. Growth happens when we learn from these happenings. We trust our gut and grow.
  1. Understanding – The fear of being in the same spot as I was right now was a hard feeling to grasp. I was not able to build in my head a vision of my business without first stepping into some hot coals and deconstructing some old ways. I had to listen to my inner knowing and trust that it was guiding me to my true path. The idea of missing out on it was too hard to ignore. And my intuition just kept telling me this. If you don’t go for it now, you are going to miss out on it all. 
  2. Armored – I have experienced many life situations where I didn’t trust and listen to the guidance only to have things end the opposite way I had hoped. But this time, after countless internal conversations, I told myself what if the Universe would have my back this time like it is always proclaiming? And man did it. I have a set of armor around me that I have never felt before. I am ready for anything with a strong, confident back, to carry the load. 
  3. The Rise – It is so true; we have to fall to rise. We have to go through the mud and muck, we have to feel the feels. Pain isn’t tragic, it is magic. Suffering in life is tragic. And suffering is what happens when we avoid our pain and consequently miss our becoming. I can’t imagine suffering in that spot and missing out on this magical place I am working from now. To quote Shivajee Pandey, “Don’t fear failure, fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.”

Are you trusting or fighting your intuition and inner voice?

I would love to connect and share with you how I can help you guide your inner knowing for a life-altering, transformation. You will experience an energy shift like no other. 

If you are curious to know more, I offer a monthly package of four sessions for $395! Or click here to schedule a FREE 15-minute discovery call with me to learn more.

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Looking for answers? You do not have to look far!

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“What you seek is seeking you” by Rumi. 

I said this to a client the other day as we were closing our session.  We were speaking about showing up as our authentic selves, and the ability to trust that everything happens for our highest good, to trust that if we keep doing the work and taking the actions to move closer towards the vision of the woman we want to be, that things will work out the way they are meant to. 

Now this is where the magic happened…  my client wrote me an email moments after our session to tell me what she had taken notes and wrote down Rumi’s quote …  but instead had written “You are seeking YOU!”  I mean, how profound?!?!?  Because, to do all of the above, we need to connect with ourselves, to trust ourselves, to listen to our intuition, to allow it to guide us.

As I continue to do “the work”, which is comprised of personal development, self discovery, becoming the most truest version of myself, and to strive to be the woman in the vision, the theme that rings most loud and true is that what we are seeking, is really to be the truest, most honest, most confident, and happiest version of ourselves.  Anything less than honoring ourselves is betraying ourselves, and I am just not available for that anymore!  

Too often we look outside ourselves for answers, we compare ourselves to others, we get caught in consumption of all things that distract us from connecting to ourselves which leads us to feeling out of alignment to our values, goals and visions.  In reality, we need to look within.  The answers are all there.  I recently read, “hearing the voice inside is NOT the super power. 

Having the confidence to act on the voice IS the superpower!” 

It is a process, the work never ends.  But with practice, and building new habits and beliefs to support you in living the life you truly want to live and how you want to feel is so powerful and truly transformative.  Some tips on how to lean into this …

  1. Slow down and listen for your inner voice, take time to tune in
  2. Trust the process, limit the need to control the outcome.  Live in the moment.
  3. Follow your joy, do more of makes you happy
  4. Be open to possibilities, open mind open heart

Stay the course, embrace who you are and trust that you are on the right path.  Want to learn more about how to lean into these concepts and create new habits to transform your life?  Set up a free discovery call with me and let’s make some magic!

Learn more about me HERE!

Are you ready to embark on a new journey?