Nothing Is Ever Wasted: The Practice of Full Tilt Living!

Just a few weeks ago in my newsletter on March 30th I spoke about the balance of grace and intuition. I spoke personally about my experience of walking away from a seemingly “perfect” home without knowing why! I was told by a soft whisper to wait. In this case, it wasn’t smooth, but it was certainly worth the wait!

Now, did I ace this test? No. I was not the girl with the marshmallow in front of me who patiently waited. I tried every which way to find another way to eat the marshmallow before it was time while telling myself that it was part of the process.

And the truth is, it is ALL part of the process. 

Nothing in our experience ever goes to waste. Everything is growth. 

My patience with my own impatience is getting me closer and closer to living a patient life. What do I mean by this?

Since passing up on that perfect 2-bedroom backyard heaven clawfoot tub oasis in the hills I have impatiently/anxiously:

  • Toured 8-10 other houses
  • Considered moving into my partner’s tiny 1-bedroom with him and my dog (girl, are you NUTS?)
  • Felt deep anxiety/regret that we didn’t take the house

Until I finally realized that I needed to know what it was like to live alone!

Ding ding! It felt like the perfect answer!

No wonder I have been avoiding saying yes. I am not ready.

The day I decided that, I went for a long walk to integrate it. I walked with my intention and opened my heart to myself and my needs. Everything in my body said YES. I felt whole and most importantly heard by myself and the Universe. Yes, this is what I need next.

Less than 24 hours later I got a call from a woman who had a studio that I had contacted on craigslist weeks before. She said, “My tenant fell through. Would you like to come see it?” 

That evening I was signing the lease to a sweet sunny adorable studio in the hills of Mill Valley CA. It had everything I needed, the timing was perfect, and I had the means to do it. I was over the moon!!!

So I packed up my things, paid ½ months double rent for the month of May and established my bachelorette life. Just me and my dog Murphy in the quiet redwoods. Yay!

And then, life did that thing where it happens

The first two nights in the apartment I had horrible nightmares. The energy felt dense, dark and cold. The sun hadn’t been out in almost a week in the foggy foothills of Tamalpais Valley and I was freaked!

I smudged, prayed, meditated, danced, bought flowers, burned incense, sang, sprinkled salts, bought honey and bread, burned epsom salt and used essential oils. I committed to the space and after the third night, things started to shift. The sun came out, the energy cleared and it started to feel like home.  

However, in that drunken no-sleep-from-nightmares-I-think-it’s-haunted stupor, I was feeling defeated, anxious and sad. I said to my partner the morning after a nasty nightmare, “I give up.”

That same night he had a sweet dream that we went to tour an ADU (accessory dwelling unit) in Petaluma, CA. We had talked about this dream for awhile, but weren’t sure about the distance.

It’s wine country and it’s BEAUTIFUL!

He got on Zillow to look casually while I was recovering from my sleepless night and found a wonderful 2-bedroom stand alone ADU on an acred lot in Petaluma that overlooks horses and rolling hills. The landlord invited us to come see it that day. 

I said, “Sure, fine. Let’s go see it,” and went back to sleep.

From there, everything simply happened. The landlord is wonderful. The house is perfect, quiet and in nature. There is plenty of space for all of us. It’s entirely solar powered, has boxes to grow food, a washer and dryer and a brand new bathroom. The downtown is only 5 minutes away. The rent is cheaper and the internet is faster. When I checked again inside, the answer was yet again, “yes.” In fact, my body was way ahead of my head. It was already in motion. My logic couldn’t keep up. It didn’t make any sense!

But intuition, you just moved me to the studio in Mill Valley! Are you nuts?!

All I got back was a soft shrug and a, “I don’t know what to tell you. This is right. 🤷🏻‍♀️”

So we signed. I am moving again. And all the while on the outside it looks chaotic, unnecessarily expensive and impulsive, the truth is I have been attentively listening the whole time. I was living in the present each moment. I had the opportunity to live alone to know that it isn’t what I want afterall. I broke through the last barrier to intimacy that I had. 

My new landlord laughed hearing my story. “So you’re paying triple deposits at one point to pay for this place?” he asked.

“I know,” I blushed. “But you know, there is a spiritual bank account and there is a financial bank account. I’m glad the latter could pay for the former this time.”

To be alive every day is not what we think.

The sole purpose of life is to live it.  Try breaking your own rules, trusting your guides and gut and take some risks. You cannot make a mistake. 

Who knows, maybe I’ll have to move again! At least I can say that I have never abandoned myself, I am learning a whole lot about trust and that I am alive!

The life experiment continues.

Until next time, sweet dreamers!

What To Do When Gratitude is *Sold Out*?

I have been experiencing a feeling lately that is pretty darn hard to shake. It’s the one where Gratitude is Sold Out. 

You know when you go to a store looking for something specific, knowing exactly what aisle it lives on, ready to quickly grab it and go? You’ve already bought it in your mind. You’re practically pulling out your wallet as you approach the product. This time, when you show up, it isn’t there. 

You ask the clerk, “Hi there! Is there any more of this?” 

“Sorry, we’re sold out.”

That’s it; full stop. Maybe I can check another store, maybe I can order it online, but as far as it goes here in this store, I am walking out empty handed. We simply move on. 

In certain situations in our lives, sometimes Gratitude is simply *Sold Out*. Our internal clerk says, “Sorry, no more. Can’t help you. Move along.”  When all has gone to sh*t, and there’s seemingly even more on the way, it’s simply unthinkable to pick up some good’ol Gratitude. 

This, just like every other energy in our life, is an energy. It is there for a reason, serves a purpose and can be transformed. So how do we respond when Gratitude is Sold Out?

One way is to play the catastrophe game. The absolute bottom-out, unbearably indulgent, utterly ridiculous pity party fiesta. 

Why? Because the inability to see or feel gratitude stems from a frame of mind, not from our objective experience. If we’re missing out on gratitude, we’re probably missing out on a lot more. Something is holding us back. So if something needs to be felt, heard, or expressed–let’s address it. Lack of gratitude can be a passive-aggressive sign from our deeper selves that something is off, going unaddressed or needs to be expressed. 

The voice that nags–that is judging our experience, saying that what we have isn’t enough, should be different or better, or doesn’t matter, is clearly unhappy with something. Instead of calling it ungrateful, annoying or selfish, what happens when you give it some real air time and stay present with what it has to say? 

See just how badly the pity party can get. What is fun about this is the freedom to indulge in the story. The “he-said-she-said,” “that’s not fair” and “why me”-s are free to run wild. Let it all hang out. Stay present for all of it. Listen intently and compassionately to yourself and validate your own experience. You can even try calling a friend and giving the disclaimer, “I need to get this out and be witnessed in my anger, sadness and despair. Can you hold this space for me?” Know that you can write this entire sob story, make it the next best drama-filled reality TV show on Netflix and still re-read it and choose a different life without ever having to act it out in your life. This is conscious living. 

Allowing all parts of ourselves to own their respective stories allows us to take a step back from our feelings of anger, sadness and worry and choose what we want to take with us. Allow yourself to be human, to feel and express it all and also to evaluate before choosing. Is this really how I feel? How do I want to feel? What is actually going right here?

Sometimes we need to dip into the sob story to understand our power to change it. The difference is that we are doing it consciously. This is how we move ourselves out of victimhood and into agency. So try on a new story and see how it feels, even if it means finally having the pity party you haven’t allowed yourself to have. Gratitude will surely come back into stock. 

This is a great video that can help remind us of the daily gifts we are missing out on, but don’t reject yourself when Gratitude is sold out. We all run out sometimes. Trust yourself.

With love and light, 

The Power In Beginnings | Book Recommendations Included!

The close of 2020 is drawing near, and I can’t help but wonder, how many versions of yourself have you met this year?

I know for me, it’s been countless. Never before I have changed so much in such a short time. I simply don’t recognize myself.

These speeds of change and chaos feel absolutely absurd! And all the while, we’re only ever moving forward.

Remember, you cannot go backwards in your healing.

Whether intentional or not, we have all had to learn a little bit more about ourselves this year.

With everything that has happened,how did you do it?

How did you make it here? How are you still standing? Still growing? Changed for the better.

In what ways have you learned to open your heart to something different or new this year?

Where is your compass headed that is different from 1 year ago?

Which happenings snuck up so quick, you didn’t have time to decide how to feel? 

What happens when you stopped feeling like you knew what you were doing?

This is the power of the beginner’s mind. When we don’t know, our life force keeps us going. This is your divine nature! It’s all here, waiting for you, never not here.

As you approach your 2021, let the beginner’s mind take you. Sometimes, when we think we know what we’re doing, or where we are going, we’re turning our back to what is coming our way.

This year was a year to learn how to live in the unknown.

You did it.

Don’t turn back and don’t underestimate this new power you now have!–the future can always awaken brighter than the past. 

Here are some of my favorite tools for living in the present with a beginner’s mind. Note: I don’t get ANY commission for recommending these. I genuinely believe in their power. Enjoy!

Oracle Cards with Collette Baron Reid
Sometimes I don’t know how to get through a certain decision or situation. I turn to my guides. I don’t speak the language of intuition fluently, but I do have my tools. Colette’s cards get my mind out of my fear and into the loving right decision.

True Story: Just last week I really wanted to adopt a dog (finally!) but wasn’t sure it was the right decision. I called on my guides and did a reading. With her Animal Spirit deck I got “Dog Spirit” and with her Wisdom of the Oracle deck I got, “Happy, Happy.” All signs were a GO! I asked for guidance all along the way, and nothing stopped me from adopting him. From the 2-hour drive, to the cost and paperwork. It’s as simple as that. It happened because it didn’t not happen, and I just kept going.  Turns out, he was the BEST pick and has been a miracle in my life. In short: you can ask your guides.

Why Bother by Jennifer Louden
I love this book because it got real with me about my apathy in my life. When it all came crashing down in 2019, I just didn’t see any reason to try. This book is kick-ass for the dormant kick-ass in you. Try it out if you’re feeling hesitant about what the future holds for YOU!

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
This is the bible of the Beginner’s mind, with irrefutable wisdom sure to stop your busy-body head dead in its tracks. Slow it down, feel it out, get real, and know that there is freedom in the unknown. 

I have opened up my scheduling calendar to prepare for the holiday season and 2021. Family and new beginnings can be challenging, triggering and difficult to navigate.  Schedule a free discovery call with me to work it through. Hensel Coaching and Consulting is here for you.

As always, with big love and light, 

Taking Back Your Rebirth | Claiming your 2021 with Power and Intention

Today, along with the rest of this year, goes down in history as one of the most important days in US politics.

What about in the history of You?

Did you know that even countries can have astrology? Yep! Anything with a birthday can be looked at through the wisdom of the stars. According to the planets, our country is going through a complete and total rebirth.

Astrology, just like many other tools, is not meant to decide our futures, but instead give us context for the Truth that is unfolding. With such analytical, sharp brains we sometimes need reminding that everything is happening as it should, right on time. This is one of the Truest mindsets we can have.

Why is it so True? Capital-T True?

Because there simply is no reality that is occurring outside of right here, right now. What is here is what is, so it could never not be perfect.

You too, are never not perfect. Where you are today is as divinely designed as the sunrise and sunset. You are as natural and miraculous as photosynthesis or gravity. The difference between you and the flower turning towards the sun or the cow grazing in the fields is that you are aware of yourself–you are consciousness.

With what grace and wonder can you look at yourself the same way you do the sunset?

What if all of the happenings this year were as divinely designed as the seasons, with wisdom far beyond any politician, activist or leader?

This year I moved back to Northern California, and have been spending time with Redwood trees. Did you know that Sierra Redwoods are between 800-1,500 years old? My hikes with them leave me feeling small, naive, child-like and safe. If these trees could talk, they would share stories far beyond this year of social uprising, fires and pandemics. They would tell me of their solid roots, the realities they have lived through and the millions of storms that have come and passed.

As we close this year and open a new one, what do you need to Trust in yourself as the Redwoods do? How deeply in your roots can you sit as we embark on new chapters in 2021?

Now is a fantastic time to look ahead, despite the unknown. It is a chance to assert with complete and total conviction what you want to see in your world next year. And remember, when we keep the focus on ourselves we are infinitely resourced in our self-esteem, not other-esteem.

In this final 2020 season, as we walk intentionally through to our next chapters, ground into your roots and look in the direction you want to go.

Here are some writing prompts to remember your own divine Redwood roots:

1. Creation & Intention:

Start your intentions early. Big goals and big dreams can be uncomfortable to assert at first. Try them on for size now, and practice believing they are true. Without delay, they will appear in your life.

– What will be true by May 1st, 2021?
– What is already unfolding for you that is going to gain momentum?
– What is beyond your imagination of possible in your life? What can you do to make room for it to arrive?

2. Retrospect & Gratitude:

Look back at this time last year and notice who you are now.
– What does your world look like today?
– What did you experience this year?
– What have you accomplished?
– What is it about
you that made it possible?

3. Power & Purpose:

To step into our power we have to be willing to be honest about our strengths. We have to be willing to be the one holding the keys. Sit down, feel deep into your roots (tailbone, sits bones, uterus, hips), and answer these honesty:
– What are you capable of that you never thought was possible?
– What have you learned to see differently this year?
– What patterns have you chosen to release?
– Where did you kick @$$ and take names this year?
– What are you more awake to in your life?
– Where are the winds, stars and oceans taking you? Are you listening?

Today is the first day

Of the rest of my life

I wake as a child

To see the world begin

On monarch queens

And birthday wonderings

Want to put on faces

Walk in the wet and cold

And look forward to my growing old

To grow old is to change

To change is to be new

Remember to never, ever give your power away. It’s all there within you. Trust yourself. You’re right where you’re supposed to be.

Want to make it happen? Sign up with Kelsey for the Fall 2021 Transformation Program

2021 Rebirth: Intention, Power and Action

Join Kelsey for a personalized Transformation Package to create the 2021 that’s waiting for you.

*Sign up before Thanksgiving 2020*

  • (12) Bi-Weekly Sessions (2 x Month)
  • + (1) Free (45-minute) Discovery Call 
  • + (1) Free (1-hour) closing session

*Cross the finish line by May 2021!*

$221/Month x 6 months

Want to add on an ELI?
+ (1) ELI Exam + 2-Hour Debrief (+$100)

Ready to Transform by May 2021?
Sign up here!

With love and light, 

The Freedom of Facing Change

The rapid rate of change of this year has been a constant reminder that I am only ever experiencing my own personal reality. 

Not my family’s reality 
Not my partner’s reality
Not my neighbor’s reality
Not my client’ reality

Mine and mine only. 

These ideas that I am having are my thoughts, my emotions, my interpretations. It is the story I am telling myself. 

Well sheesh! If I’m the author, why do I constantly pretend like I’m not writing the narrative?

When we realize this, it becomes abundantly clear that when we focus on someone else’s reality, our own energy shifts into a powerless, out of control, “icky” mode.

For me, I literally begin to feel “sticky.” Because it is sticky. I’m stuck! I am no longer free.

I’m stuck because I’ve given away my power to something or someone outside of myself. The True self always knows the way. When I ignore Her, deny Her, doubt Her she senses it and starts to feel out of alignment. She feels STUCK.

The number one rule in liberation–of living a life of freedom is to keep the focus on ourselves. Always. The True self is never not here. Boy is this rule a tall order in this year of 2020!

But he said this!

She did that.

I can’t believe what they just said!

Whatever it is that others are choosing to do, feel, say, or bring into this world to make manifest is about them. It’s their story. It is not about me. Can I remember that? 

Lately, my sanity depends on it. I have no choice in a world of uncertainty and change to remember the only power I actually ever had all along was the power within me.

Because I have to keep the focus on myself, I’m forced to remember that anything that needs to change can and will begin with change within me first. I know that when I am looking outside of myself for change I am not being honest with the reality of what needs to be seen within. This is my divine assignment.

When we have the courage to honestly address what needs to change within ourselves, we are fully in our power once again. 

How do you behave when you think the story is outside of yourself? 
When are you giving your power away? 
Where in your life do you have the opportunity to take your power back? 
What would change if you did?

Living life from the inside out is ready and waiting for you right at home with your True self.

Schedule A Discovery Call with me HERE

Living Life Unfiltered: Resources and Master Tips For You!

What is unfolding doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon–collectively or personally. I know that for me I am going through incredible change that isn’t necessarily good or bad, but it is real and intense.

When we show up for the work, the work works us. 

Staying present, owning our reality and always being willing to accept what is truly here is no small task. Infact, it’s very rare. 

Much of the world runs on autopilot; without a pause. People act, think, say and do most things out of formality. They do what they think is right, expected, acceptable or what they see others doing. 

But is that really who you are? 

What do YOU want to be doing?

Is that really what you want to say to this person? 

Do you actually want to be here right now?  

When we stop and observe that autopilot animal that is ourselves, we notice what really doesn’t make sense. We start to question the real why behind our actions and in effect, the actions themselves start to change. Like an animal that realizes it is being watched. 

“Oh, you see me?”

This means that we start to change. How we show up, the choices we make, what we say and how we feel all start to look different. Miracles happen. 

Spoiler alert: once this starts to happen, there’s no going back!


The beginning of this process can be met with a lot of fear. And I mean A LOT. For the first year of “taking the mask off” I was taking cold showers, jumping in the ocean, shaking uncontrollably, eating ungodly amounts of chocolate or not eating at all. I was re-awakening my nervous system and letting all the fear, anxiety and panic detox from my system from years of pretending to be someone else, holding my tongue or making decisions out of survival.

Quick Tips

When I am in fear of fear, I read this poem.  

Afraid of being seen as a “Bitch”? Try this on for size instead:

Being In Total Control of Herself.

Damn straight. I sure am. Thank you! It’s a pleasure to be here.

Getting Loose

With time, coaching and somatic resourcing the fear and anxiety started to normalize and I started to show up “unfiltered.” This is still where I am now and let me tell you–it’s a HOOT watching Kelsey get loose in her natural habitat. 

When we start to understand our precious nature, practice strong boundaries and learn to take up space in safety and worthiness there is an inner Self that is ready to rock n’ roll–just waiting to party. 

Quick Tip

Need a reminder of your Power? I love watching this poetry reading or this video to ignite me.

For me, lately, my True self has been getting in a little bit of trouble while manifesting a LOT of goodness.

Some typical thoughts for me lately are,

“Did I really just say that?” 

“Where did that response come from?” 

“Wow Kelsey you’re really not holding back are you?” 

“Easy, tiger!”

“You do know people can see you, right Kelsey?”

Owning our Emotions

I’ve become so intimate with my own needs, wants, thoughts and desires that it feels as though all day, every day, I am in conversation with me. People around me have a ball of a time watching me do silly things, enjoy moment-to-moment experiences and speak honesty, truth or total hogwash. But man, am I keepin’ it real!

Quick Tip:

Being honest with ourselves about our true emotions can be incredibly difficult and hard to learn to do. If you’re struggling with this, check out this video showing a father’s patient love. I refer back to this when I need a reminder of how to do this for myself. This is the process of “spiritual reparenting” and is incredibly powerful.

Common side effects of becoming an embodied True self:

Heightened emotions and the experiencing of those emotions. 

BIG tears, BIG fears, BIG anger, BIG joy, BIG peace. WOOF!

 Hold on tight, love bugs! It’s JUICY.

Unfiltered, direct, clear communication. 

This can catch people off guard if they are used to you playing small, but it also attracts the people who can handle it and that are drawn to the True you.

Less judgment towards self and others. 

There’s a big trusting in the Self that transforms our thoughts from right vs wrong to option 1 vs option 2. Either way–you’re still worthy. You cannot make a mistake. You’re just learning!


We become manifesting machines when we are tuned into the True self. When we are clear with what we want, own it and admit it to the Universe, it delivers. I have too many stories to count on this lately. It’s incredible. The issue is that we are too busy blocking the Love if we are out of alignment.

Less patience for nonsense. 

When we get this real with ourselves, we can start to sniff out the junky, sticky, catabolic stuff in others. They aren’t wrong for it, since hey! I was just there myself not too long ago. Everyone’s journey is unique and perfectly timed for them. But do I genuinely want to continue hanging around them? The True, unfiltered Kelsey says, “No thanks!” But I know that isn’t for me to decide or to do. I simply have to show up as myself and the relationship will either end itself or transform. 

Does this sound like fun yet? 

I have come to understand that for me, this is the purpose of this lifetime and everyone else who is walking it would say the same. 

It is so worth it. 

Is it sexy? You’d be surprised!

Is it fun? If we let it be so!

Is it energizing? Like a sugar high that leads to a crash, yes.

Is it worth it? Without question.

I average 8-10 hours a week on self-development work right now. We definitely don’t need the blind leading the blind, and this chic is not messing around when it comes to showing up for the work. I like to participate in things like 1:1 regular coaching and solo retreats with my coach, women’s groups, spiritual awakening groups, somatic therapies, emotional support partnerships, attending webinars, trainings and classes, reading spiritual literature, and practicing yoga and meditation. This is not only to resource me fully so that I can show up blazing for my clients, but also so that I can be a conduit of knowledge, tools and resources. 

What do you need in order to awaken the Self inside of you? 

What in this article calls to you? 

What are you curious about?

What are you waiting for?

If you’re ready to get real and get to work, let’s connect. This work is ready and waiting for you!

Coaching with Kelsey

Coaching for Codependency

Addressing codependency is such a large part of my coaching that I have added an entire resource page to the topic on my site. Check it out here and reach out if you’re looking to heal your relationships, confidence and self-esteem from the inside out.

Coaching for Young Women

Coaching with young women is a growing part of my practice, and in my heart!

Growing up in these times of uncertainty and chaos can be incredibly confusing for young girls developing into strong, empowered women. Stability, consistency and integrity are core to developing a healthy sense of self, confidence and expression. Together, we construct a large, safe, spacious and creative container to support natural transformation, fostering the development of healthy self-esteem, body image, self-concept and relationship skills.

Common Topics for Young Women:

  • Negative self-talk
  • Friendships & early relationships
  • Self-esteem, confidence and self-image
  • Communication & trust
  • Codependency
  • Emotional stability & regulation
  • Fear, anxiety or depression
  • Social engagement and creativity

Schedule a free Discovery Call to discuss coaching options for the young woman in your life

Coaching with Men Under 50

Having a coach of the opposite sex and can have profoundly healing and transformative effects at any age. In the right opposite sex coach <> client connection, we are safe to explore the corners, needs, and thoughts that aren’t being addressed. We’re free to question the masculine/feminine energies objectively, hold space for opportunities and new ways of being and finally move past the blockers of limiting beliefs. I find that in coaching with men, they become confident and willing to explore beyond the expectations put on them by society, culture, friends and even women themselves. I am grateful for my years of intense experience working with male executives that acquainted me with the masculine dynamic, what it requires and how to remove barriers to growth.

Common Topics for Coaching with Men under 50:

  • Fear of vulnerability in relationships
  • Codependency
  • Dating & attracting meaningful relationships
  • Power/ego struggles at work
  • Work/life balance
  • Sensitivity & self-awareness
  • Communication and emotional intelligence
  • Self-care, hygiene and independent living
  • Self-esteem, confidence and self-image
  • Communication & trust
  • Emotional stability & regulation
  • Spirituality & mindfulness

Does this sound impactful for someone you know?

 Reach out!

Interested in referring your man in mind to a male coach? 

I have many wonderful coaches to recommend. 

Feel free to reach out for recommendations

Free Discovery Calls

Interested in seeing what’s possible for you?

Kelsey is not only a coach who just “gets” you, but allows you the space to truly “get” yourself, to reconnect with the truest and most powerful version of yourself. As a coach, Kelsey is unafraid to partner with you as you travel into unknown territory and lifts you up as she manages to inspire you to transform your vision of what is impossible or uncertain, into a journey that you WILL and do conquer. If you are looking for your capital T Truth – Kelsey is your coach!

Ashlee D., Colorado Springs

The Power of Imperfection

So much is bubbling up right now–inside and out! In this year of 2020 vision, “seeing” is taking on an entirely new meaning. Our non-judgment is being tested in ways we never thought possible. I find myself turning to the Universe asking, 

You want me to accept what?

How could this be the Universe working perfectly?

Seriously, there’s more?!

And yet, I remember with each new breath that the Universe does not send us anything we cannot handle–that nothing is happening that is not for our highest learning, growth, or understanding.

We’re in the PhD program of learning to Love, and these exams are brutal

Through this quarantine time coupled with uprising, shadows, and paradox I find myself shipped out to sea in the new ocean of the both/and with nothing but a compass and a fearless heart. I am being forced out of the cage of judgment and into the freedom of radical acceptance. Ways of black/white thinking (this phrase is taking on a whole new meaning!), and either/or decisions are becoming so painful that I am deliberately looking for a new way to see. I find my heart actively searching for relief from my own stubborn judgment. It’s saying, 

“Thinking the world ‘should be different’ is too exhausting. I can’t live like this. There has to be another way!”

Save this image and share it on your Instagram. Use #HCCQOTD so we can find you!

So we learn to love the unlovable–and it started with the unlovable me. I practice this in any and all ways that I can. This quarantine time has become my sandbox for imperfection–to let me play with what it feels like to do it wrong, to see it both ways, to hold space for love and joy and pain and disgust–even when it’s messy. To build trust with the Universe.

This was my last egg. I’m running late. I still can’t find the matching sock. 

This is all hilariously true. Now turn that camera around and giggle to remember the absurdity!

I didn’t shave my legs. I want to wear shorts to the store today. I will feel embarrassed if someone notices.

I’m going to let it all be true. (Attention, shoppers!)

I don’t want to go to this event. They will be disappointed when I don’t show up. They might judge me.

I’m going to let it all be true.

I don’t understand where this person is coming from. I enjoy our time together and I love them.

I’m going to let it all be true.

Every moment that I choose it all, that I “let myself down” by “failing” my idea of “perfect,” I am also given the opportunity to hear the whisper from deep within myself and from the Universe,

 “It’s all true, and I still love you.”

I don’t mean to test Love like that, but MAN does the Universe love us if we let it! This is how trust is built. With ourselves, with one-another, and with the world. The more I forgive myself, the more the Universe forgives me and the more I forgive others. The more I mess up and choose to love me anyways, the more I am free to love others when they mess up too. 

And the paradox? I always achieve and attract more when I do this.

The two most common phrases I hear in my coaching sessions are:

“Wow, I didn’t think I was judgmental, but I guess I am!”

“I’ve never considered myself a victim, but I guess I do feel like one.”

It’s natural, it’s normal, and best of all these thoughts are here to heal you. 

If you’re looking for freedom from judgment, wondering where the light will come from, or questioning what’s next–try out imperfection. The answer may be lingering right behind your judgment!

I dare you to do something imperfect this week–and love. every. second.

Exciting Offers

SPECIAL: July ELI – 7 Levels for $300

July is the month of 7 and of my birthday! 

To celebrate the 7th month, the 7 levels of energy and my big 3-0 birthday, I am offering the ELI + two-hour debrief for a flat $3-0-0

This offer will expire 7/31. 

** Use code ELI300 for your discounted rate.

 Free Discovery Calls

Interested in seeing what’s possible for you?

My session with Kelsey was profoundly impactful. She helped me get underneath what I thought was important to me and down into the core of what I KNOW to be important and true. She held my hand down a labyrinth helping me work my way out of my head and into my heart (where the true meaning lies) and then back to my head to help me align my new vision and intuitions with my priorities and life code. She managed this through sincere and heartfelt listening and intentional questions. She prompted me through a stream of consciousness that was from ME (she did not impose her own beliefs but respected mine) and allowed me to develop in my own way- the way I was meant to.  All this in 45 minutes. WOW! See for yourself what you may discover with a safe, trained listener by your side! Thank you Kelsey! 

Lauren L.

Wife, Mom and Entrepreneur

Learn More About Kelsey HERE