Let’s say you met someone you really like and they seem charming and funny. You genuinely enjoy your conversations with them but you’re unsure on how to increase your connection with them.
But why can this be challenging?
Developing (and maintaining) a sense of connection with a potential partner is a process. And this process can be simple but challenging at times because it might require you to reexamine some limiting beliefs and blocks.
We all want to feel heard, seen, and understood. We’re human beings and it’s natural. But in the world of modem dating, mindless swiping and ghosting, it can leave you feeling drained and guarded. Keep reading and check out these 3 ways that have personally helped me increase my sense of connection with friends, family and in my dating life:
Three Ways To Increase Your Connection
Be Curious
Ask open ended questions. Be curious about who they are and what excites them. Ask questions that inspire a thoughtful response. Explore and accept who they are.
Are you revealing the most authentic parts of yourself? The good and the ‘not so’ good parts too? No need to go in deeeep on the first few dates, but share what feels right to you. Yes, being vulnerable can be scary and may require you to trust someone without them “proving” themselves. But the results will be rewarding and worth it. It’s brave and can inspire the other person to open up as well.
Listen Listen Listen
Are you living in the moment? Put away your phone and social media when you’re out with another person, it can be distracting. Make eye contact. Be fully present and engaged in the conversation. Ask yourself, are you listening to understand or just waiting for your time to talk? This can be practiced. If you’re unsure with what they mean, connect with your date by asking clarifying questions. Make sure you truly understand!
How do you think increasing your sense of connection might benefit your dating life today?
What’s preventing you from feeling connected or creating a sense of connection?
One person has the power to change a relationship.
Everything can start with you.
If this sounds like you, sign up below for a complimentary discovery call.
Yet, difficult to recognize when you are in it. It just feels messy, uncomfortable, and out of your control.
But what I have noticed is that once you are aware that you are “in the middle”, it’s so much easier to navigate.
In Brene Brown’s book, Rising Strong, she says “You can’t skip day 2”…
So, what happens on day 2 and why can’t you skip it?
Let’s start with Day 1.
Think about a time you started something new. You probably feel excited and open to possibility, you feel ready change and you may feel nervous and excited at time same time EEEKK (ie. the first day of a new job, new diet, new relationship, new assignment at work, any time it’s your first time doing something! … DAY 1, the start, the beginning ….),
However, once that honeymoon phase fades away, something new can suddenly feel really hard. The middle, day 2. It’s common when starting something new. You want to have the feeling that you “know what you are doing” and are confident in yourself and the direction you are going…..
However, as with anything new, it can feel like the complete opposite and it can often feel like a struggle.
How can you make it easier? Can we skip day 2?!?!?
The answer is NOPE.
THE MIDDLE IS MESSY! Yet, it’s a crucial part of the process. You can not skip the middle in your process of GROWTH, no matter what it is. When you are growing (in the middle of change and something new), you feel uncertain, vulnerable, unfamiliar, and it feels like struggle covered in insecurity and self doubt.
It is normal to feel resistance and to feel like you want to give up, yet you must stay the course.
Day 3 is where you feel like you’ve made it. It feels easier, you are in a groove, you created the new habits, the work you are doing is “familiar”, you feel in flow and like you are in control.
It’s like the new job where it seemed impossible that you would ever figure it all out, but then suddenly, it all clicks.
It’s like being a new mom where you feel like you have no idea what you are doing, but suddenly you figure it out (kinda LOL)
I mean, who doesn’t LOVE the feeling of Day 3?!?!?!!?
We all do.
But how can we begin to recognize and acknowledge that “day 2” is a necessity. It is part of the process, it is where the growth happens.
Often times we do not realize we are in “day 2” (and day 2 usually lasts much more than a day!). You may feel resistance, self doubt, and very unsure if you are where you are meant to be. It’s super uncomfortable, but so normal.
However, once you begin to acknowledge that you are in the middle of the mess and “in the thick of it”, things can start to shift.
To acknowledge that it’s hard, that you do not have all the answers, that you have to trust that your decisions and choices you are making, and that you will course correct and continue to move forward.
Questions to ask yourself when you are in the middle are …
“What is the opportunity here?”,
“How can I have more fun with this?”,
“How can I shift my thinking to the idea that “I am learning” vs “I am failing”?
“How can I take the pressure off so I begin to become more curious versus judgemental?”
“How do I find gratitude in the journey?”
“The middle is messy, but that is where the magic happens” Brene Brown. That is where you learn, grow, become resilient and transform!
Use the questions above to make the journey that much more enjoyable!
Going through the messy middle? Starting something new and feeling like working with a coach may help? Not sure where to start?
I help women create change in their lives so they can have the confidence to make decisions that allow them to finally feel free. Book a free discovery call with me to learn more!
I have been thinking about this mentality a lot lately.
So I did a little research… (because, when curious, google it!)
“All-or-nothing mentality, which can also be called black-or-white thinking, is when things are either seen as “all good” or “all bad”.
“When thinking in all-or-nothing terms, you split your views into extremes. Everything—from your view of yourself to your life experiences—is divided into black-or-white terms. This leaves room for little, if any, gray area in between.”
This type of thinking can also include an inability to see the alternatives in a situation or solutions to a problem. So oftentimes, if we can not do it or give it “ALL”, it is easier to not even engage, which keeps us stuck, unhealthy, and miserable.
I’ve seen this thinking in many of my clients and if I am being honest, my own life. All or nothing thinking lends us to believe there is only one way to do something, only one way it can be to be considered successful. And often, we have this mentality that whenever things are not “perfect”, then it’s considered a failure.
I used to be an all or nothing kinda person.
But I quickly realized I was pretty much sabotaging myself from moving forward and taking action because of this mentality.
For me, I recently realized that working out was a good example of this. Side note, how we do one thing is how we do anything, so once I started notifying the pattern in one area, I quickly could see it in others!
My plan was to wake up early and get it done first thing in the morning. I intended to do at least 30 minutes of working out. (so this was how and when I expected that I “should” be doing it)
So, I set these expectations.
And I noticed that if I didn’t get up early enough, or didn’t have the 30 minutes. I wouldn’t do it at all.
And then would later on beat myself up for not just getting up and getting it done, or being disciplined, or even as far as saying, “I am so lazy”.
Naturally, I didn’t even realize I was doing this until one day I started seeing articles about breaking down your work out into 10 minute stints of movement. And then, I participated in a training for busy, working moms about how to maximize productivity in your day when you only had a little bit of time. And things started to click.
My mind was blown, I realized I had an opportunity to do more with less! So I gave it a try.
Eventually, I embraced the idea of doing what I could in the time I had. So, if I woke up late, I would do a quick 10 or 20 minute workout. And instead of feeling like that wasn’t enough, I began to train my mind to say “great job, you moved today!” Or I would say something like, “10 minutes is better than not doing it at all.”
The more I positively and encouragingly spoke to myself, the more I was able to start to see that I could actually do more with less. So, when I find myself with 10 or 20 minutes in my day, I take that opportunity to squeeze in some movement, do a meditation, make a phone call or write an email. I had this weird belief about time. If I didn’t have a certain amount of it, it wasn’t worth starting something because I didn’t think I could finish it.
I began to realize that instead of thinking, “it is not enough, so why bother?”
So, I started to think, “what can I do with the time I have?” I then started showing up for myself more and more, and began to then feel the true meaning of progress vs. perfection. This shift has helped me get out of my own way, start taking steps towards my goals, feeling more confident in myself because of the promises I was keeping, and I am having more fun!
So, ask yourself:
“where am I noticing patterns of all or nothing thinking?”
“where am I looking for things to be “perfect”?”
“what is another way of looking at this”
“how can I experiment and try a new approach”
to whatever it is you feel you are getting stuck on.
And when in doubt, call a coach. You would be surprised to see how one small change in one area of your life can trickle into all areas of your life in a positive way!
I used to have so much anxiety when I thought about being a high-caliber woman. I thought being a high caliber woman meant I needed to be:
A good girl.
Always doing it right.
I spent most of my dating life overthinking everything around me and eventually I was pretty overwhelmed and frustrated.
But then I finally asked for help, got out of my own head, and realized it was actually pretty simple.
Being a high-caliber woman isn’t about being perfect or doing things right or wrong. It’s about these 3 behaviors I’m confident you can learn and start practicing this month!
She is Authentic:
When you come from a place of authenticity you create power. Doesn’t mean you’re perfect, it means you embrace your quirks, your style, and your gifts. It’s freeing and maybe a little uncomfortable. And that’s a great sign! When women join the Single Girl’s Kit, they learn how to sit with their fear and how to channel that energy into strength and courage.
Honors her Standards:
In the Single Girl’s Kit, I teach it’s OK to be selective. You are not asking for “too much”. It’s important to protect your energy. So if you have a standard where a man must ask you on a proper date, you honor your standards by only focusing on the men who are actually asking you out on dates! So if he’s texting you “u up?” at 2am, no need to get mad, just walk away. The right man for you will respect your standards. I promise.
Communicates her Needs & Wants:
For most of my 20s, I had no clue what I truly needed & desired in a relationship. I just adopted beliefs I heard from my friends, TV shows, and movies. So when you join the Single Girl’s Kit, I help you clarify exactly what you want, how to overcome your blocks, and how to communicate this in a high-value way. This will completely change your dating life and relationships forever.
The Single Girl’s Kit is not your average group dating program. It is so much more. The life you want is more attainable than you think. And you won’t be alone in this journey.
You will be surrounded by a community of women who are just like you. Willing, Serious, Ready.
The Single Girl’s Kit: Summer returns Saturday, June 19th, 12pm Eastern/ 11am Central.
If this sounds like you, sign up using the registration link below:
Just a few weeks ago in my newsletter on March 30th I spoke about the balance of grace and intuition. I spoke personally about my experience of walking away from a seemingly “perfect” home without knowing why! I was told by a soft whisper to wait.In this case, it wasn’t smooth, but it was certainly worth the wait!
Now, did I ace this test? No. I was not the girl with the marshmallow in front of me who patiently waited. I tried every which way to find another way to eat the marshmallow before it was time while telling myself that it was part of the process.
And the truth is, it is ALL part of the process.
Nothing in our experience ever goes to waste. Everything is growth.
My patience with my own impatience is getting me closer and closer to living a patient life. What do I mean by this?
Since passing up on that perfect 2-bedroom backyard heaven clawfoot tub oasis in the hills I have impatiently/anxiously:
Toured 8-10 other houses
Considered moving into my partner’s tiny 1-bedroom with him and my dog (girl, are you NUTS?)
Felt deep anxiety/regret that we didn’t take the house
Until I finally realized that I needed to know what it was like to live alone!
Ding ding! It felt like the perfect answer!
No wonder I have been avoiding saying yes. I am not ready.
The day I decided that, I went for a long walk to integrate it. I walked with my intention and opened my heart to myself and my needs. Everything in my body said YES. I felt whole and most importantly heard by myself and the Universe. Yes, this is what I need next.
Less than 24 hours later I got a call from a woman who had a studio that I had contacted on craigslist weeks before. She said, “My tenant fell through. Would you like to come see it?”
That evening I was signing the lease to a sweet sunny adorable studio in the hills of Mill Valley CA. It had everything I needed, the timing was perfect, and I had the means to do it. I was over the moon!!!
So I packed up my things, paid ½ months double rent for the month of May and established my bachelorette life. Just me and my dog Murphy in the quiet redwoods. Yay!
And then, life did that thing where it happens.
The first two nights in the apartment I had horrible nightmares. The energy felt dense, dark and cold. The sun hadn’t been out in almost a week in the foggy foothills of Tamalpais Valley and I was freaked!
I smudged, prayed, meditated, danced, bought flowers, burned incense, sang, sprinkled salts, bought honey and bread, burned epsom salt and used essential oils. I committed to the space and after the third night, things started to shift. The sun came out, the energy cleared and it started to feel like home.
However, in that drunken no-sleep-from-nightmares-I-think-it’s-haunted stupor, I was feeling defeated, anxious and sad. I said to my partner the morning after a nasty nightmare, “I give up.”
That same night he had a sweet dream that we went to tour an ADU (accessory dwelling unit) in Petaluma, CA. We had talked about this dream for awhile, but weren’t sure about the distance.
It’s wine country and it’s BEAUTIFUL!
He got on Zillow to look casually while I was recovering from my sleepless night and found a wonderful 2-bedroom stand alone ADU on an acred lot in Petaluma that overlooks horses and rolling hills. The landlord invited us to come see it that day.
I said, “Sure, fine. Let’s go see it,” and went back to sleep.
From there, everything simply happened. The landlord is wonderful. The house is perfect, quiet and in nature. There is plenty of space for all of us. It’s entirely solar powered, has boxes to grow food, a washer and dryer and a brand new bathroom. The downtown is only 5 minutes away. The rent is cheaper and the internet is faster. When I checked again inside, the answer was yet again, “yes.” In fact, my body was way ahead of my head. It was already in motion. My logic couldn’t keep up. It didn’t make any sense!
But intuition, you just moved me to the studio in Mill Valley! Are you nuts?!
All I got back was a soft shrug and a, “I don’t know what to tell you. This is right. 🤷🏻♀️”
So we signed. I am moving again. And all the while on the outside it looks chaotic, unnecessarily expensive and impulsive, the truth is I have been attentively listening the whole time. I was living in the present each moment. I had the opportunity to live alone to know that it isn’t what I want afterall. I broke through the last barrier to intimacy that I had.
My new landlord laughed hearing my story. “So you’re paying triple deposits at one point to pay for this place?” he asked.
“I know,” I blushed. “But you know, there is a spiritual bank account and there is a financial bank account. I’m glad the latter could pay for the former this time.”
To be alive every day is not what we think.
The sole purpose of life is to live it. Try breaking your own rules, trusting your guides and gut and take some risks. You cannot make a mistake.
Who knows, maybe I’ll have to move again! At least I can say that I have never abandoned myself, I am learning a whole lot about trust and that I am alive!
This caused me so much anxiety and self-doubt that I eventually avoided dating. I was so caught up on how to get it right, I stopped enjoying the process. I didn’t know how to make dating enjoyable again.
But now in my 30s, I do things a bit differently.
I stopped searching for “the one”, I stopped people-pleasing, and I stopped focusing on the how and started focusing on the what.
That’s what led me to the relationship I’m in now.
The problem was not the how. The problem is that you’re unclear on what you truly want. You don’t believe you can truly make dating work for you. This is depleting your energy.
That’s why The Single Girl’s Kit group program was created. It helps you feel alive and secure while dating.
So if that sounds like you, the first step is to schedule a FREE 45-minute discovery call with me where I’ll:
– Learn all about you and your current circumstance
– See what might be blocking your true desires
– Create a plan
Totally free and with no obligation to buy or enroll. You truly have nothing to lose.
I recently hired a coach (because coaches have coaches!) to help me specifically with my business. I also have a coach who is more of a life coach, (because well, life!!). So, with my business coach, I have outlined very clear goals around my brand, my messaging, and how I show up as an entrepreneur (I kept saying, I do not want to treat my coaching business as a hobby).
It’s Okay To Ask For Help
Asking for help is not easy for so many of us, but I remember at one point saying to myself “you don’t need to be the hero”. This idea has been life changing for me when I think about doing something new and unfamiliar, I always felt like it was my job to figure it out, like I should “know”. Leaning on someone else’s expertise has only helped me get to where I want to be faster and with a new perspective that embraces learning new things and not feeling bad about myself when I do not know things.
I’ve been thinking a lot about who I serve lately. Slowing down, taking inventory of the women I help and what the common themes that we work on are, as well as what I enjoy talking about. I realize a lot of this work brings me back to the woman I was before I did all this “inner work.”
I will call her “Old me”
Learning A New Me
“Old me” always felt unbalanced. I lived my life teetering on the idea of showing up and doing all that was expected of me, what I “should” be doing, looking for approval/validation/permission from others (hello, people pleasing). This “unbalance” always felt like I was never doing “enough”, like there was something more to life, feeling stuck, and feeling like something was missing that I needed to allow me to feel happy and fulfilled.
“Old me” focused on being a “good girl” and following the rules, not stepping out of line, talking out of turn, doing something “wrong” and bringing attention to myself for fear I would get “in trouble”. I use “air quotes” because these are the rules I took on and applied to my life. Rules of society, my parents, my teachers, those around me. And, in many cases, those rules served me well.
Not letting old me hold me back
HOWEVER, they also held me back. They caused me to not trust myself when navigating life once I became of age to do so. I didn’t take risk and instead, chose the safe route that I had created by following the logical path. I struggled to have confidence, to know who I truly was, what I really wanted, because I was always looking outside myself to hear “I give you permission” to do the thing.
What I know now, that I didn’t know then, is that my inner voice was giving me clues. And to slow down to hear it, to trust myself to listen, and to give MYSELF permission. To break the rules I had created for myself.
I am not alone, which is why I share with all of you. I work with women in their quarter-life to mid-life crisis years who want to build their confidence and to trust themselves to be brave and do hard things. A lot that comes up when we start to work through why we are not where we want to be in life, or feeling how we want to feel. When we realize it’s our own set of rules that are holding us back, that is where the fun begins. We see we have choices, we can create the life we want, on our terms and the only permission we need is our own. If you can relate to teetering through life, and find your confidence, use your voice, and stand in your power, message me for a 1:1 consult.
Called (not text) that person you’ve been crushing on?
Told the Universe what you wanted?
Part of making the first move is saying yes to going after what you want, challenging yourself, and honoring the adventure. It’s like shooting your shot. When you shoot your shot the energy is high and flowing. It’s exciting.
But what stops people from shooting their shot? Most of the time the underlying feeling is fear of rejection. And as humans, we tend to stay away from potentially hurtful feelings so we avoid and hold back from making any moves. You might even watch from the sidelines and watch someone else make that first move and think, “I wish I could do that”.
And I believe you can. You can start today.
When you make the first move you instantly take the “what if” or “I wish I could…” off the table.
Because you did the dang thing and that’s something to celebrate! Whether big or small it doesn’t matter. This is your journey and you’re in charge. All it takes is desire and a commitment to taking things one step at a time. I challenge you to decide to try a new way of showing up in your life.
What does the first move look like for you?
Make the first move by scheduling a 45 min discovery call right now.
I used to say yes to everything. My schedule was jam-packed.
There are a few reasons why I was always saying yes:
I didn’t want to be at home with my thoughts.
I thought it was cool to be out on the town all the time.
I thought I was an extrovert and that’s what I was supposed to do.
I wanted to make other people happy.
That last bullet – making other people happy – wow, people-pleasing at its finest!
I did what others expected me to do.
I didn’t want to be rude.
I wanted other people to always come to me as if I was NEEDED.
I was desperate to be liked. I haaaated thinking that someone didn’t like me. Honestly, it still kind of bothers me, but at least I have the awareness to it now.
Three things were happening here:
I was raised to be a “good girl.”
I was afraid to look within, to figure out who I really was and what I wanted.
I was afraid to stick up for myself – I didn’t think I deserved to do that.
Many of us were raised to be “good.” And if we’re not “good” then we must be “bad.”
I was raised to put others first, that women serve, that saying ‘no’ either wasn’t done or it was done with guilt, and that if I had the time, I should.
But screw that. If you want to say no, say no.
I know it’s so much harder to put into practice, especially if you’ve gone your entire life pleasing others.
My husband is a big people-pleaser. I always tell him, “We no longer do things that we don’t want to do.” It’s taken him some time (4 years…) but we’ve finally gotten there.
For a long time, I didn’t really know what I wanted, or what made feel joy, or what made my energy skyrocket. So I just did everything, hoping to figure it out somehow. I didn’t. I was just really tired and annoyed that I was doing things that I didn’t love doing.
I was super afraid to speak up for myself until recently. Even now, I still hesitate. I’m working on this all the time. A pause helps me, and a plan. I envision the conversation going really well, slow my speaking, breathe, and pause when necessary.
Want to learn how to say no: You don’t have to say ‘no’ at first, just say, ‘I’ll think about it’ or ‘let me check my schedule’ – this gives you time to pause and think. Ask yourself if this is something you really want to do, if it serves your best interest – and if not, it’s a no.
Remember, you’re allowed to not want to do something. Nothing is wrong with you if you simply need to rest at home, or if you just don’t want to do that thing. You’re normal!
Do you really know what you want? Sometimes, we say yes because we don’t even know what we want. Investigate – do you know your values and boundaries, do you know what you want to experience in life, do you know what’s important to you, do you know what enhances your energy and what sucks your energy dry? When you know these things, it’s easy to know if it’s a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’
It’s okay to feel guilt. You can simply feel it, instead of trying to push it away, or saying ‘yes’ just to get rid of it. Understand that it takes time and practice to change your habits. Soon enough, the guilt won’t even happen anymore.
If someone is upset with your ‘no,’ that’s on them – not on you. We can’t control how other people react to us. We only control how we respond and react. Stay in your lane.
Make this your new mantra and practice living this way: If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.
I started a 30 day meditation challenge about 22 days ago.
And it has really made me think about habits, routine, and also, setting aside time to connect to myself. I’ve always enjoyed meditation, but feel like because I never made it part of my routine, it was a very random and inconsistent practice. So, it never felt intentional and like it made a true impact. Many moons ago I had attempted a “miracle morning” where I woke up early and followed a practice of meditating, journaling, affirmations, and reading something related to personal development. I enjoyed that but it didn’t stick for me for some reason.
At the start of this September when my kids went back to school, I started to commit to early mornings again. This time, I began by working out first thing in the morning, prior to my family waking. I actually LOVE this and feel so energized and by the time I get my kids off to school, I have worked out, showered, and am ready for the day. In my head, I had every intention of spending time meditating and some self-work at some point throughout my day after that, but you know how it goes, the day just gets away from you and suddenly in bed, exhausted and it never happened.
So, when I signed up for this challenge, I was excited to commit to myself and knew I needed to be disciplined to do it.
Scheduling time to do it would be the best way to make it happen (like actually scheduling an appointment with myself on my calendar) and keeping the appointment with myself just like I would anyone else. I was sharing all of this with a friend (and fellow coach) recently, and she said – try to add it to your current routine because that is already in place and it’s working and I liked this idea. I had already created the habit of waking early, working out, showering and getting the kids off to school. That was a routine that is currently in place. So I have been adding meditation and self work (such as journaling and belief work) to follow dropping the kids off at school.
Now, it’s so easy to get distracted and get off track.
But what has helped me be consistent 95% of the time is sticking to this routine. Come home, do the work. Not come home, check the laundry, do the dishes in the sink, check my phone, send that email…. You know all the distractions. But I am creating a new habit, and honestly, it is working for the most part. I feel the benefits of it.
Because I am staying committed and I keep repeating this practice, it is becoming a discipline (like a new behavior, habit). By keeping promises to myself and actually doing what I set out to do, being disciplined leads to confidence (I trust myself, I am accomplishing what I set out to do!!). That confidence becomes change (making new choices), and over time change becomes transformation. The easiest example of this is fitness, you may not see the physical change at first and you may not feel like it’s working, but over time, you do see the impact of your consistency and efforts. It’s the same for your mental health and overall wellbeing or any new habit you are looking to create.
In addition to the 30 day meditation challenge, I also added 5 minutes of silence to be done throughout my day.
Why? Because I LOVE how I feel in the mediation and I realize when life starts getting all crazy, I want to drop back into that feeling of calm, ease, and connection that I felt earlier in the day. I also realize that stepping away from everything happening around me is extremely helpful for creativity, ideas, and connecting to my inner knowing and desires. So for 5 minutes, I drop into myself, do some deep breathing (such as box breathing, where you close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, release your breath for 4 counts, and pause for 4 counts. Repeat 3x and go super slow on the counting). Or I will just sit, look outside at greenery for 5 minutes (or even better, go outside, be in nature which has so many benefits!), let myself just 5 and let my mind get clear.
I think it can be scary to “not” be doing. Silence can be uncomfortable for so many of us. Often we do, do, do or we numb out (like scrolling social media for example) to possibly avoid a problem or situation or just something that we do not want to do. It makes sense that it is uncomfortable, it is quite unfamiliar in our go, go, go society. But it is so helpful to begin to connect to yourself.
Like anything in life, start small.
5 minutes of silence a day. Why not give it a try? See how it feels, what comes up for you. At first you may feel resistance (tension in your body, you can not sit still, you think “I can not do this”) but set a timer on your phone. Give it a few days, before you know it, 5 minutes will fly by without that resistance and you may actually begin to crave it.
If you are curious about creating new habits that support you as your best self, or feel like you have tried and can not seem to be consistent, set up a discovery call (it’s free!). You can walk away with some clarity on what has been limiting your or getting in your way, and you can also identify a new habit to go forward with. Small, tiny new choices consistently will lead to change and true transformation. Too often I see people giving up on themselves too easily, stop doing that! You can create the life you want, one small habit at a time!