3 Behaviors of a High Caliber Woman: It’s simpler than you think

It's Simpler Than You Think

I used to have so much anxiety when I thought about being a high-caliber woman. I thought being a high caliber woman meant I needed to be:

A good girl. 

Always doing it right. 


I spent most of my dating life overthinking everything around me and eventually I was pretty overwhelmed and frustrated. 

But then I finally asked for help, got out of my own head, and realized it was actually pretty simple. 

Being a high-caliber woman isn’t about being perfect or doing things right or wrong. It’s about these 3 behaviors I’m confident you can learn and start practicing this month! 

She is Authentic:

When you come from a place of authenticity you create power. Doesn’t mean you’re perfect, it means you embrace your quirks, your style, and your gifts. It’s freeing and maybe a little uncomfortable. And that’s a great sign! When women join the Single Girl’s Kit, they learn how to sit with their fear and how to channel that energy into strength and courage. 

Honors her Standards:

In the Single Girl’s Kit, I teach it’s OK to be selective. You are not asking for “too much”. It’s important to protect your energy. So if you have a standard where a man must ask you on a proper date, you honor your standards by only focusing on the men who are actually asking you out on dates! So if he’s texting you “u up?” at 2am, no need to get mad, just walk away. The right man for you will respect your standards. I promise. 

Communicates her Needs & Wants:

For most of my 20s, I had no clue what I truly needed & desired in a relationship. I just adopted beliefs I heard from my friends, TV shows, and movies. So when you join the Single Girl’s Kit, I help you clarify exactly what you want, how to overcome your blocks, and how to communicate this in a high-value way. This will completely change your dating life and relationships forever.  

The Single Girl’s Kit is not your average group dating program. It is so much more. The life you want is more attainable than you think. And you won’t be alone in this journey. 

You will be surrounded by a community of women who are just like you. Willing, Serious, Ready. 

The Single Girl’s Kit: Summer returns Saturday, June 19th, 12pm Eastern/ 11am Central. 

If this sounds like you, sign up using the registration link below: 

If you have any additional questions or concerns please consider scheduling a FREE 45 minute discovery call with me. I can’t wait to meet you!

Take Charge Today – It’s Simpler Than You Think!

How do you want to use your past?

As a break-up and dating coach, I often see clients who struggle with seeing clearly “what is” and “what was.” 

It’s common to question what went wrong in a failed relationship or wonder why he never called back or wish you didn’t send that text.

And it’s completely understandable. It’s tough and it may still hurt. You may wish you could go back and change things. 

But believe it or not, the story you tell yourself about your past matters. Are you the hero or victim of the story? 

So starting today, you get to decide what your past means to you. That’s right, you get to decide what you’re bringing into your future. This is what coaching is all about. 

So this week, I challenge you to ask yourself these questions:

  1. What story am I telling myself about my previous relationship?
  2. What lesson am I choosing to take from this relationship?
  3. What am I releasing? 
  4. I did the best I could because…
  5. Who do I want to be starting today?

Share your answers with us LIVE tomorrow, January 27th at 6PM eastern on our new weekly show “Wednesdays with SGK” on YouTube where we share tips on:

  • -Why you must let go of your ex to let in new love
  • -How you can take back your power with online dating
  • -Why dating is still possible for you if you’ve been out of the game 
  • -Our 7 steps to a more self-confident you in 2021 

Enough is enough. 

Stop waiting for the “perfect” time. 

Your time starts now. 

Are you ready? 

Date without the drama and join a community of women who are saying “YES, it’s my turn now.”

The Single Girl’s Kit starts February 10th. 

The Single Girl’s Kit

Love can be hard. No matter your age, where you live, socio-economic status, or quarantine status – love can be hard.

Disney movies do a horrible job with love. I hate to break it to you if you already didn’t know, but Cinderella doesn’t actually exist. There is no knight-in-shining-armor coming to save you, and by the way, you don’t need to be saved.

Our society tells women that they need to be saved by a man, that we must be quiet and pretty, and now, if we aren’t dating online, then it won’t happen for us.

I’m here to tell you that all of this is fake news. 

  • Has your self-esteem been taken away by countless bad dates?
  • Are you exhausted?
  • Do you keep dating the same type of man over and over again, wondering where you’re going wrong?
  • Do you keep dating men who don’t know what they want or aren’t ready for love?
  • Do you obsess over how to make your online profile, how to text, or always looking at your phone wondering when he is going to reach out to you?
  • Do you feel out of control of your dating life?

STOP. This doesn’t have to be you.

The Single Girl’s Kit is your six-week dating rehab.

You don’t have to date with drama. After this program, you will be dating with ease. You will have fun and feel fully confident that your ultimate love is on its way to you.

After six weeks you will feel in control:

  • Know what kind of partner you want and deserve
  • Understand and use the law of attraction to meet the right kind of men
  • Feel confident in every area of your life, not just dating
  • Know and hold your boundaries and values
  • Be able to confidently walk away when he isn’t the one
  • Finally stop worrying about whether or not he likes you 

This program is for you if you are so frustrated with your dating life.

Along with six-weeks of group work, you will have one-on-one access to Lena-Marie or me for four coaching sessions so that you can dig deep in order to apply each concept to your life. This is not to be missed.

Take control NOW. If what you are doing right now isn’t working, why would you wait?

If you are ready, click HERE to register.

If you are questioning, reach out to me or register HERE for the YouTube live happening tomorrow at 7pm EST where we’re answering all of your questions.

This is your life. Start enjoying it now.

Learn To Fall In Love With YOURSELF

Do you see being single as an opportunity? 

So I will be the first person to tell you that I love love. 

I love falling in love and being in love.

(cue the butterflies, the champagne, and the romantic music)

I used to consider myself a relationship type of girl. 

I spent 90% of my 20s going from relationship to relationship. 

It was exciting to find a man I really liked, go through the courtship phase, become exclusive and then fall in love…

As you can see, I had a process. 

And it worked for a bit… until it didn’t.

Because 10% of the time when I was single, I was so frustrated! I was so busy trying to find “my ride or die”, I failed to see that I had the opportunity to become my own “ride or die”. 

When I finally embraced being single, I learned to be happy with myself. I learned to fall in love with myself.

As a break-up and dating coach, I see so many clients who struggle with being single or can’t seem to let go of “the one that got away”. 

So they hold onto that glimmer of hope or settle for that person who doesn’t quite meet their needs because “there’s probably no one better”.

That makes me so sad!

So what opportunities are available to you now that your single?

  1. Personal growth: I’m a huge believer in investing in your brain. You’re in charge of your life and no one can run it better than you! Now that you’re single, you can spend more time gaining new knowledge and learning new skills.  Learn more about yourself!  Embrace your authentic self. Hire a coach to help guide you through this transition!
  1. Hobbies and classes: You’ll have more time in your schedule to explore new hobbies and interests. Take a class, join The Single Girl’s Kit: Fall 🙂

Hang out with your friends you kinda neglected while you were in your relationship (guilty of this). Now you can build stronger friendships. 

  1. Lifestyle change: In my last relationship, I gained 10lbs in four years! I definitely developed some unhealthy habits and patterns. So when you’re single: you can prioritize your health more. You’ll also have more money because relationships can be expensive. Dating can be expensive. So when you’re single you’ll have more money to play with! Treat yourself! 

What other possibilities come up for you when you start to embrace your singlehood?

Start embracing and celebrating your greatness today by booking a complimentary Discovery Session with me. 

You don’t have to do it alone! 

And guess what?

The Single Girl’s Kit: Fall Edition is back September 23rd! 

Be fearless by breaking all the rules!

Be more self-confident!

Learn how to attract the man of your dreams!

You’re 100% worthy and the ladies of The Single Girl’s Kit never lower their standards!