Are you making the first move?

When was the last time you…

  • Introduced yourself to a stranger?
  • Asked a question?
  • Called (not text) that person you’ve been crushing on? 
  • Told the Universe what you wanted?

Part of making the first move is saying yes to going after what you want, challenging yourself, and honoring the adventure. It’s like shooting your shot. When you shoot your shot the energy is high and flowing. It’s exciting. 

But what stops people from shooting their shot? Most of the time the underlying feeling is fear of rejection. And as humans, we tend to stay away from potentially hurtful feelings so we avoid and hold back from making any moves. You might even watch from the sidelines and watch someone else make that first move and think, “I wish I could do that”. 

And I believe you can. You can start today. 

When you make the first move you instantly take the “what if” or “I wish I could…” off the table. 

Because you did the dang thing and that’s something to celebrate! Whether big or small it doesn’t matter. This is your journey and you’re in charge. All it takes is desire and a commitment to taking things one step at a time. I challenge you to decide to try a new way of showing up in your life.

What does the first move look like for you?

Make the first move by scheduling a 45 min discovery call right now.

No more “what if.” 

Your time starts now. 

It’s free and you have nothing to lose. 

Are you ready?