Today, along with the rest of this year, goes down in history as one of the most important days in US politics.
What about in the history of You?
Did you know that even countries can have astrology? Yep! Anything with a birthday can be looked at through the wisdom of the stars. According to the planets, our country is going through a complete and total rebirth.
Astrology, just like many other tools, is not meant to decide our futures, but instead give us context for the Truth that is unfolding. With such analytical, sharp brains we sometimes need reminding that everything is happening as it should, right on time. This is one of the Truest mindsets we can have.
Why is it so True? Capital-T True?
Because there simply is no reality that is occurring outside of right here, right now. What is here is what is, so it could never not be perfect.
You too, are never not perfect. Where you are today is as divinely designed as the sunrise and sunset. You are as natural and miraculous as photosynthesis or gravity. The difference between you and the flower turning towards the sun or the cow grazing in the fields is that you are aware of yourself–you are consciousness.
With what grace and wonder can you look at yourself the same way you do the sunset?
What if all of the happenings this year were as divinely designed as the seasons, with wisdom far beyond any politician, activist or leader?
This year I moved back to Northern California, and have been spending time with Redwood trees. Did you know that Sierra Redwoods are between 800-1,500 years old? My hikes with them leave me feeling small, naive, child-like and safe. If these trees could talk, they would share stories far beyond this year of social uprising, fires and pandemics. They would tell me of their solid roots, the realities they have lived through and the millions of storms that have come and passed.
As we close this year and open a new one, what do you need to Trust in yourself as the Redwoods do? How deeply in your roots can you sit as we embark on new chapters in 2021?
Now is a fantastic time to look ahead, despite the unknown. It is a chance to assert with complete and total conviction what you want to see in your world next year. And remember, when we keep the focus on ourselves we are infinitely resourced in our self-esteem, not other-esteem.
In this final 2020 season, as we walk intentionally through to our next chapters, ground into your roots and look in the direction you want to go.
Here are some writing prompts to remember your own divine Redwood roots:
1. Creation & Intention:
Start your intentions early. Big goals and big dreams can be uncomfortable to assert at first. Try them on for size now, and practice believing they are true. Without delay, they will appear in your life.
– What will be true by May 1st, 2021?
– What is already unfolding for you that is going to gain momentum?
– What is beyond your imagination of possible in your life? What can you do to make room for it to arrive?
2. Retrospect & Gratitude:
Look back at this time last year and notice who you are now.
– What does your world look like today?
– What did you experience this year?
– What have you accomplished?
– What is it about you that made it possible?
3. Power & Purpose:
To step into our power we have to be willing to be honest about our strengths. We have to be willing to be the one holding the keys. Sit down, feel deep into your roots (tailbone, sits bones, uterus, hips), and answer these honesty:
– What are you capable of that you never thought was possible?
– What have you learned to see differently this year?
– What patterns have you chosen to release?
– Where did you kick @$$ and take names this year?
– What are you more awake to in your life?
– Where are the winds, stars and oceans taking you? Are you listening?
Today is the first day
Of the rest of my life
I wake as a child
To see the world begin
On monarch queens
And birthday wonderings
Want to put on faces
Walk in the wet and cold
And look forward to my growing old
To grow old is to change
To change is to be new
Remember to never, ever give your power away. It’s all there within you. Trust yourself. You’re right where you’re supposed to be.
Want to make it happen? Sign up with Kelsey for the Fall 2021 Transformation Program
2021 Rebirth: Intention, Power and Action
Join Kelsey for a personalized Transformation Package to create the 2021 that’s waiting for you.
*Sign up before Thanksgiving 2020*
- (12) Bi-Weekly Sessions (2 x Month)
- + (1) Free (45-minute) Discovery Call
- + (1) Free (1-hour) closing session
*Cross the finish line by May 2021!*
$221/Month x 6 months
Want to add on an ELI?
+ (1) ELI Exam + 2-Hour Debrief (+$100)
Ready to Transform by May 2021?
Sign up here!
With love and light,