How do you want to use your past?

As a break-up and dating coach, I often see clients who struggle with seeing clearly “what is” and “what was.” 

It’s common to question what went wrong in a failed relationship or wonder why he never called back or wish you didn’t send that text.

And it’s completely understandable. It’s tough and it may still hurt. You may wish you could go back and change things. 

But believe it or not, the story you tell yourself about your past matters. Are you the hero or victim of the story? 

So starting today, you get to decide what your past means to you. That’s right, you get to decide what you’re bringing into your future. This is what coaching is all about. 

So this week, I challenge you to ask yourself these questions:

  1. What story am I telling myself about my previous relationship?
  2. What lesson am I choosing to take from this relationship?
  3. What am I releasing? 
  4. I did the best I could because…
  5. Who do I want to be starting today?

Share your answers with us LIVE tomorrow, January 27th at 6PM eastern on our new weekly show “Wednesdays with SGK” on YouTube where we share tips on:

  • -Why you must let go of your ex to let in new love
  • -How you can take back your power with online dating
  • -Why dating is still possible for you if you’ve been out of the game 
  • -Our 7 steps to a more self-confident you in 2021 

Enough is enough. 

Stop waiting for the “perfect” time. 

Your time starts now. 

Are you ready? 

Date without the drama and join a community of women who are saying “YES, it’s my turn now.”

The Single Girl’s Kit starts February 10th.