3 Surefire Ways to Arrive at Your Dream Career

Remember the days of heading out on vacation with the large road atlas spread across the dashboard? There was no other way to arrive at your destination. You were lost unless it was a path you had memorized in your head. So how can you expect to arrive at your dream career without a plan as well?

My dad would spend time before our trips reviewing the map and handwriting out directions on a piece of paper. Then he would refer to them often throughout the trip. Depending on time, sometimes we would take the fast route. Other times, we opted for the scenic route. Either way, without those directions, we were lost.

So why do you take something so important and impactful as your career and not do the same thing? Expecting to arrive at your “final destination” without a plan doesn’t sound like a logical plan to me. Much like planning out a vacation, we need to plan out our life roadmap. And a key part of our life is our career. The following three steps are the ones I guide my clients through during the motivation phase of my Design Your Dream Career program.

Step 1 – Explore the Possibilities

The first step is to let your imagination go. Explore all the possibilities available to you. Get past conventional wisdom.

Before writing your possibilities down, take some time to get your mind clear. Visualize the future self you want to see.

Next, create four lists or a mind map with four areas: three months, one year, three years, and your lifetime. Set a timer for five minutes and write down all you want to accomplish regarding your career. Think of this as your wish list for your ideal career path.

Don’t get caught up being realistic or feeling like you have to justify what you are desiring. Write it all down. Ask yourself, if I can be anything, do anything or have anything, what would it be? Studies will tell you that if you write down your dreams, your odds increase by 42% of them actually happening.

Embrace and enjoy this step. How do you want to feel and who do you want to be when you arrive at your dream career? All the obstacles are out of the way. Dream of a future of limitless possibilities.

Step 2 – Prioritize the Key Steps

Now that you are feeling energized and excited for your future, your next step is to establish a plan to arrive at your dream career. This step involves going back to your first step and reviewing all the items you wrote under each area.

Set a timer for one minute. Choose one item in each area that would have the most positive impact on your dream career. Circle those four items in each area. These are your goals. When you are done, you should have one goal you want to accomplish in the next three months. One in the next year, one three years from now, and one that is a lifetime goal.

The lifetime goal might be around an age you want to retire. It might also be  around a monetary level you need to reach to feel comfortable even thinking about retirement. If you are over 40 and have yet to plan out (or dream about) when you want to retire, you are not setting yourself up for success.

Step 3 – Details, Details, Details…

Step three involves getting detailed around each of the goals you have established for yourself in step two. Much like you did in step one, create a mind map, or list, for each goal. List all the items you feel it would take to achieve this goal.

The more detailed you can be here the better. Add specific due dates for each task. Indicate how much, how many, or by when if applicable. Number  the tasks in the order they must be completed, if applicable. And then write these due dates in your calendar. Accountability is key. A weekly check-in is ideal allowing you to adjust accordingly.

Don’t forget to think about what you might need to stay motivated to accomplish this goal. Are there sub-tasks that you can check off along the way to complete the goal? Likely so. Creating sub-tasks allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going!


You’ve mastered the process of identifying your goals, now what do you do? We are down to the last seven weeks of 2020. A new year is right around the corner and many of you are likely starting to craft some lofty goals for 2021. Are you looking to grow your current career? Do you want to explore what else is out there? Are you open to new opportunities but not sure how to get started?

Having a coach, or accountability partner, is key at this stage of the game. If you don’t have someone ensuring you are making headway and accomplishing what you said you wanted to, you will likely stall a bit. Weekly check-ins help hold you accountable. They allow for time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t work. Two minds are way better than one.

So, where do you want to be in six months? What do you want to create in 2021? Reach out and schedule a call. I would love to connect and share more with you about my Design Your Dream Career program. It is for anyone who wants more in their career. Let’s create your roadmap and plan how you will get there. By doing so, you will automatically set yourself up for success!

Rebuild To CONQUER

What are you willing to try in order to have the life of your dreams? What are you willing to try in order to find the love of your life, or get your dream job, or have better relationships, or more money, or to finally have self-confidence? Do you feel like you have tried everything…are you stuck?

I felt stuck too.

I began my journey many years ago, as a single woman trying to navigate the dating world. My inner-work moved to my confidence around my career, then family, then friendships. And when I hit a wall with my inner-work and didn’t know where to go next, that’s when I hired a coach. This is when things moved into over-drive. And in becoming a coach myself, I am an expert at navigating my emotions and supporting others through their own personal changes and shifts.

Along the way, I failed so many times. There have been family and friend casualties as I re-evaluated and set new values and boundaries. Some people in my life simply were not ready to accept the new me and now I know that’s okay. Also, I have welcomed new friends and with my new husband, added family too.

But what people always skip over is how I got here.

Transformation is hard. I had so many starts and stops. I never thought I was smart enough to stick to anything or to learn anything new. I never thought I deserved love. I never thought I could stand up for myself or others. I always just accepted what I got because I thought it was all I could get. It wasn’t until I finally stopped believing every thought I had when I really began to feel a shift. I realized that my thoughts were deceiving me. My thoughts were telling me that I wasn’t good enough. Where did that come from? And why? And why was I just accepting it? I realized that I can think any thought I want about myself. I can believe and interpret whatever I want for my life.

Changing my habits has taken major effort, a ton of energy, and commitment.

They include sleepless nights and nights where I feel more restful than I ever have before. There have been times where I resent becoming self-aware and moments where I am so grateful that I am moved to tears.

I disrupted my entire thought process, re-evaluated every relationship, set new values and boundaries for myself, and overall, built a completely new habit around my thoughts. Ultimately, this process has given me confidence, love, self-assurance, resilience. Also included are fear, restlessness, doubt, and anxiety. But thanks to my practices, I know how to handle all the stuff that raises my blood pressure.

I am happy AND I am okay when I get it wrong. One major thing I’ve learned is how to get back up when I fall. And I fall often. Building new habits and new thoughts is work.

I created the Re-Build to Re-Conquer program based on my personal journey. Teaching what I know with the addition of my coaching skills is why this program works. I have been through it, and because I have come out the other side feeling joy and fulfillment, I know you can too. What are you willing to try?

This is the work. Having a growth mindset. Being willing to change. Being willing to go deep into your emotions and find the core thoughts that aren’t serving you, and decide how to choose better next time. This is not about regret for your past or wishing that you had learned these lessons earlier – this is about being proud of getting to this point in your life. Being proud of the journey that you are about to embark upon. Knowing that every single day is a chance to begin your new life.

I know what it feels like to think that that you are not good enough and I know what it feels like to feel the opposite – to truly believe that you are worthy. You can choose worthy, even when it feels like an uphill battle.

Are you willing to try?

Want to know more about the Re-Build and Re-Conquer program? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or Learn more about the Program HERE