3 TOP Principles To Practice NOW for a Deeper Connection

Developing (and maintaining) a sense of connection with a friend, significant other, or co-worker may seem out of reach sometimes but I’m a firm believer you can authentically create connections that work for you!

Here are my top 3 principles I’ve personally used in 2020 to help increase my sense of connection with friends, family, and in my dating life: 

Be Curious

Start questioning everything! Be genuinely curious about who they are. This is how deeper connections are formed. Be curious about their thoughts, their needs/wants, and their dreams and goals. Learn what drives them. Ask questions that inspire a thoughtful response.  

Listen Listen Listen

During difficult conversations in my last relationship, I used to find myself thinking: “When is it my turn to talk?!” and this totally kept me in my head! I wasn’t truly listening to what my partner was saying. So in turn, my partner would feel dismissed and unheard. I had to learn how to be fully present and engaged in the conversation. This took practice. And I believe you can do it too. The next time you’re on a zoom call or IRL: be present and silence any distractions. Connect with your partner’s real message, and ask clarifying questions. Make sure you truly understand!

Celebrate them

Have you ever received a compliment from someone and instantly felt really amazing about yourself? People like to feel seen, heard, and understood. When was the last time you showed that special someone you appreciate them? This could look like complimenting them on a quality you admire most about them or providing an act of service you know will put a smile on their face. 

  • What would happen to your relationships if you started practicing this today? 
  • How would they respond to your connection? 
  • What difference does this create in your relationships? 

One person has the power to change a relationship.

Everything can start with you. 

Begin now.

Schedule a Free Discovery Session to learn how to start practicing this today. 

Find out more about Single Girl’s Kit and how this will be the best decision for 2021 you will make for yourself today.