A Journey to Our Truest Self

Coaches Need Coaches Too

I recently hired a coach (because coaches have coaches!) to help me specifically with my business.  I also have a coach who is more of a life coach, (because well, life!!).   So, with my business coach, I have outlined very clear goals around my brand, my messaging, and how I show up as an entrepreneur (I kept saying, I do not want to treat my coaching business as a hobby).  

It’s Okay To Ask For Help

Asking for help is not easy for so many of us, but I remember at one point saying to myself “you don’t need to be the hero”.  This idea has been life changing for me when I think about doing something new and unfamiliar, I always felt like it was my job to figure it out, like I should “know”.  Leaning on someone else’s expertise has only helped me get to where I want to be faster and with a new perspective that embraces learning new things and not feeling bad about myself when I do not know things.

I’ve been thinking a lot about who I serve lately.  Slowing down, taking inventory of the women I help and what the common themes that we work on are, as well as what I enjoy talking about.  I realize a lot of this work brings me back to the woman I was before I did all this “inner work.” 

I will call her  “Old me” 

Learning A New Me

“Old me” always felt unbalanced.  I lived my life teetering on the idea of showing up and doing all that was expected of me, what I “should” be doing, looking for approval/validation/permission from others (hello, people pleasing).  This “unbalance” always felt like I was never doing “enough”, like there was something more to life, feeling stuck, and feeling like something was missing that I needed to allow me to feel happy and fulfilled.

“Old me” focused on being a “good girl” and following the rules, not stepping out of line, talking out of turn, doing something “wrong” and bringing attention to myself for fear I would get “in trouble”.  I use “air quotes” because these are the rules I took on and applied to my life.  Rules of society, my parents, my teachers, those around me.  And, in many cases, those rules served me well.  

Not letting old me hold me back

HOWEVER, they also held me back.  They caused me to not trust myself when navigating life once I became of age to do so.  I didn’t take risk and instead, chose the safe route that I had created by following the logical path.  I struggled to have confidence, to know who I truly was, what I really wanted, because I was always looking outside myself to hear “I give you permission” to do the thing.

What I know now, that I didn’t know then, is that my inner voice was giving me clues.   And to slow down to hear it, to trust myself to listen, and to give MYSELF permission.  To break the rules I had created for myself.

Let Me Help You

I am not alone, which is why I share with all of you.   I work with women in their quarter-life to mid-life crisis years who want to build their confidence and to trust themselves to be brave and do hard things.  A lot that comes up when we start to work through why we are not where we want to be in life, or feeling how we want to feel.  When we realize it’s our own set of rules that are holding us back, that is where the fun begins.  We see we have choices, we can create the life we want, on our terms and the only permission we need is our own.  If you can relate to teetering through life, and find your confidence, use your voice, and stand in your power, message me for a 1:1 consult.