Ever have one of those days/weeks/years (hello 2020)?
You try everything and you just cannot seem to make it work?
As an entrepreneur, I can tell you I have lots of these days. I have, no lie, about 10 different articles that I am working on right now. Each one just doesn’t have quite the right note that I am trying to hit. I have an article on making mistakes ( I have made tons), #BLM, my view on assessments, and another article that focuses on asking people how they are and how we are conditioned to lie about how we are feeling and even worse, not really paying attention to the response.
I mean I have lots of great ideas, but I am having a hard time executing on any of them. Is this the perfectionist in me? When I do release my bi-weekly emails, I generally need to feel inspired to write. Something hits me over the head like a ton of bricks, and I know that is what I am going to write about. I suppose you just have to get used to using this particular muscle and then it just gets easier, right?
I believe wholeheartedly in working new muscle groups for peak efficiency.
I really do.
But, is something else at play here? As coaches, we always ask ourselves the same questions we ask our clients. We try to get to the root cause of our actions. So, if I take writing as an example and take away the inspiration layer, what is really behind the reason why I can’t seem to get a new post written?
Well, if I am being honest, I believe it is fear. Fear of judgment. How can I as a white person write about #BLM, how can I as a former Talent Acquisition / Ad agency specialist write about assessments when so much has already been written? Want to find out why we lie when someone asks us how we feel, listen to a Brene’ Brown podcast… and the list goes on about why I can’t do something. This is my brain keeping me safe, protecting me from embarrassment, failure, and judgment. So much easier when we play it safe and listen to our thoughts on why we can’t do something, right?
Since I am sharing my story, I have to ask…. How much do you not do because you are worried about judgment and fear?
If I can get this article out today (because today is my deadline!), I know I can help you become unstuck and overcome your fear.
Do one thing today that takes you out of your comfort zone. I am here to help.
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