I had many years of feeling like I was missing something. I figured out so much of my life – I had great friendships, a good job with a good salary, satisfactory family relationships, and a great apartment in the heart of Manhattan.
So what happened to my love life?
Nothing ever seemed to work out. He only wanted to hook up, he was rude, he looked nothing like his picture on the dating app, he drank too much, I drank too much, he decided that he didn’t want a girlfriend, he wasn’t chivalrous, etc.
It felt like dating wasn’t supposed to be this hard. I just assumed it would happen to me one day, easily and swiftly, and then all would be good and could have this box checked.
Little did I know – it’s not just a box to be checked, dating doesn’t have to suck, chivalry does still exist, and some men actually do want a serious relationship.
I found this out after I decided to take my love life seriously.
I read books, I told everyone what I was looking for, I decided what I wanted, I worked on my confidence, and I decided to try harder…not at dating…at being myself, at having fun, at viewing dating with ease, at sticking to my boundaries, and at my certainty. I began to believe that love would happen for me, it was just a matter of time.
It wasn’t always easy. But I began to date better. I began to have fun. And then I met my husband.
If you’re single now and feeling worried or anxious, I totally understand. This is exactly why I am a life coach who helps women find love – because I understand confusion and fear around finding love.
I’m launching The Single Girl’s Kit again with my amazing colleague Lena-Marie Gilbert. We solve your dating woes. Let us take the drama out of dating for you.
This group coaching program includes six weeks of lessons, three one-on-one coaching sessions to ensure that you are able to apply the material to your personal life, and the ELI Assessment.
This program is for you if
- you’re sick of dating drama.
- you are afraid of dating right now.
- you’re still talking to your ex or can’t get over him.
- you don’t have self-confidence in dating.
- you haven’t dated in a really long time.
- you don’t know what you want.
- you don’t know how to have boundaries.
- you are worried you’ll never meet your dreamy man.
Lena-Marie Gilbert and I teach you how to overcome ALL OF THIS AND SO MUCH MORE. We are building a community of like-minded, supportive women. You don’t just have our support, you have the support of every woman who is in the group and who has ever been through SGK.
You will leave this group feeling like a million bucks – totally knowing what you want, totally confident, totally able to squash the negativity around you, and totally ready to meet your person.
Commit to yourself. Commit to love.