The Power In Beginnings | Book Recommendations Included!

The close of 2020 is drawing near, and I can’t help but wonder, how many versions of yourself have you met this year?

I know for me, it’s been countless. Never before I have changed so much in such a short time. I simply don’t recognize myself.

These speeds of change and chaos feel absolutely absurd! And all the while, we’re only ever moving forward.

Remember, you cannot go backwards in your healing.

Whether intentional or not, we have all had to learn a little bit more about ourselves this year.

With everything that has happened,how did you do it?

How did you make it here? How are you still standing? Still growing? Changed for the better.

In what ways have you learned to open your heart to something different or new this year?

Where is your compass headed that is different from 1 year ago?

Which happenings snuck up so quick, you didn’t have time to decide how to feel? 

What happens when you stopped feeling like you knew what you were doing?

This is the power of the beginner’s mind. When we don’t know, our life force keeps us going. This is your divine nature! It’s all here, waiting for you, never not here.

As you approach your 2021, let the beginner’s mind take you. Sometimes, when we think we know what we’re doing, or where we are going, we’re turning our back to what is coming our way.

This year was a year to learn how to live in the unknown.

You did it.

Don’t turn back and don’t underestimate this new power you now have!–the future can always awaken brighter than the past. 

Here are some of my favorite tools for living in the present with a beginner’s mind. Note: I don’t get ANY commission for recommending these. I genuinely believe in their power. Enjoy!

Oracle Cards with Collette Baron Reid
Sometimes I don’t know how to get through a certain decision or situation. I turn to my guides. I don’t speak the language of intuition fluently, but I do have my tools. Colette’s cards get my mind out of my fear and into the loving right decision.

True Story: Just last week I really wanted to adopt a dog (finally!) but wasn’t sure it was the right decision. I called on my guides and did a reading. With her Animal Spirit deck I got “Dog Spirit” and with her Wisdom of the Oracle deck I got, “Happy, Happy.” All signs were a GO! I asked for guidance all along the way, and nothing stopped me from adopting him. From the 2-hour drive, to the cost and paperwork. It’s as simple as that. It happened because it didn’t not happen, and I just kept going.  Turns out, he was the BEST pick and has been a miracle in my life. In short: you can ask your guides.

Why Bother by Jennifer Louden
I love this book because it got real with me about my apathy in my life. When it all came crashing down in 2019, I just didn’t see any reason to try. This book is kick-ass for the dormant kick-ass in you. Try it out if you’re feeling hesitant about what the future holds for YOU!

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
This is the bible of the Beginner’s mind, with irrefutable wisdom sure to stop your busy-body head dead in its tracks. Slow it down, feel it out, get real, and know that there is freedom in the unknown. 

I have opened up my scheduling calendar to prepare for the holiday season and 2021. Family and new beginnings can be challenging, triggering and difficult to navigate.  Schedule a free discovery call with me to work it through. Hensel Coaching and Consulting is here for you.

As always, with big love and light,