I Am The Work

“I am the work!” 

A peer recently said this in a group coaching program that we are in together, and I had such a lightbulb moment, “OH MY YES!  I AM THE WORK” (cue the applause!!!!)

Over the past year, I started to APPLY what I learned in coaching school and beyond to my own life. 

I am not sure if it was intentional at first, as I had simply decided to do something different when I leaned in and enrolled in coaching school, but it slowly has become a part of me. 

And while I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, what I realize now is that my lens and perspective about life, how I was showing up and wanted to feel, expanded and so did I.  I started to see things around me and within me differently. 

The principles I was learning encouraged me to slow down, observe, raise my awareness, be present and in the moment, to understand the energy I wanted to feel and DECIDE to make different choices to support that.  With the help of a coach, I found myself more often reflecting and challenging myself, my thoughts, and how I was showing up.  I started to APPLY what I was learning, and it started to make a huge shift in my life. 

“Information without application is simply entertainment”

It took me a while to figure this one out…  I had been consuming so much “stuff” but not applying anything consistently – you know, reading books, listening to podcast, etc.

To be honest, I didn’t even really know what to apply for that matter because with so much information, it was overwhelming and change is uncomfortable, so easy to actually not do! 

My personal growth journey had started years prior but this time felt different …. it was the self-discovery combined with the application, the habit changes, the small steps that became consistent, and actually helped me to change my beliefs, change my thoughts, change my actions.  I realized I had been consuming a whole lot of information but not really applying it consistently, until now. 

And while I am on the right path, I am human. 

I learn I grow, I fall, I get back up, and keep at it.  Because I am seeing how the work works, I can see how far I have come, how much I have grown, and it gives me chills!

The one place where I have seen the biggest change was in my relationships with others, particularly at home – with my children and my husband.  I was calmer, I was yelling less, I was making decisions that just felt right, and having conversations that usually I would have totally avoided in the past. 

I started to observe when I was feeling triggered and began to understand what I was lacking in those moments to cause me to feel uncertain.  Once I began to slow down, pause, and notice (bye-bye autopilot!!!), I was able to show up differently, more confidently, more empowered.  I began to set boundaries to help me feel how I wanted to feel (calm, ease, and joy are key feelings for me when I am with my family).  And I was noticeably happier, lighter, and more focused to my kids and my husband. 

I am the work!

As moms, we are stretched thin (now in Covid, it has felt like more than ever!) and as we anticipate going back to school, with a lot of uncertainty of how is it all going to get done, an idea came to me – why not teach “the work” that has made such an impact to me, to other moms. 

I have always loved community, and to be able to create a space where we can share, grow and learn together.   The one thing I know for sure, none of us should feel alone in this process of raising our children while also caring for ourselves and now, you do not have to!

I am hosting a 6-week group coaching, “Revive and Thrive Mastermind – Mom Edition” starting September 3. I will be teaching “the work” that I have done and continue to do to raise my awareness, understand my triggers, and choose how I want to feel and show up and actually do it!  We will also have the space to share our wins and discuss challenges, to learn from each other, hold each other accountable, and to inspire and support each other. 

Sign up by August 7 to receive a BONUS of TWO FREE 30 minute one on one coaching sessions.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and message me. 

Spots are limited, so act quickly! 

I would love to share this work and this experience with all of you!

Looking for answers? You do not have to look far!

Save this image and share it on your Instagram. Use #HCCQOTD so we can find you!

“What you seek is seeking you” by Rumi. 

I said this to a client the other day as we were closing our session.  We were speaking about showing up as our authentic selves, and the ability to trust that everything happens for our highest good, to trust that if we keep doing the work and taking the actions to move closer towards the vision of the woman we want to be, that things will work out the way they are meant to. 

Now this is where the magic happened…  my client wrote me an email moments after our session to tell me what she had taken notes and wrote down Rumi’s quote …  but instead had written “You are seeking YOU!”  I mean, how profound?!?!?  Because, to do all of the above, we need to connect with ourselves, to trust ourselves, to listen to our intuition, to allow it to guide us.

As I continue to do “the work”, which is comprised of personal development, self discovery, becoming the most truest version of myself, and to strive to be the woman in the vision, the theme that rings most loud and true is that what we are seeking, is really to be the truest, most honest, most confident, and happiest version of ourselves.  Anything less than honoring ourselves is betraying ourselves, and I am just not available for that anymore!  

Too often we look outside ourselves for answers, we compare ourselves to others, we get caught in consumption of all things that distract us from connecting to ourselves which leads us to feeling out of alignment to our values, goals and visions.  In reality, we need to look within.  The answers are all there.  I recently read, “hearing the voice inside is NOT the super power. 

Having the confidence to act on the voice IS the superpower!” 

It is a process, the work never ends.  But with practice, and building new habits and beliefs to support you in living the life you truly want to live and how you want to feel is so powerful and truly transformative.  Some tips on how to lean into this …

  1. Slow down and listen for your inner voice, take time to tune in
  2. Trust the process, limit the need to control the outcome.  Live in the moment.
  3. Follow your joy, do more of makes you happy
  4. Be open to possibilities, open mind open heart

Stay the course, embrace who you are and trust that you are on the right path.  Want to learn more about how to lean into these concepts and create new habits to transform your life?  Set up a free discovery call with me and let’s make some magic!

Learn more about me HERE!

Are you ready to embark on a new journey?