Your New Mantra!

If it’s not a HELL YES, it’s a no!

I used to say yes to everything. My schedule was jam-packed.

  • There are a few reasons why I was always saying yes:
  • I didn’t want to be at home with my thoughts.
  • I thought it was cool to be out on the town all the time.
  • I thought I was an extrovert and that’s what I was supposed to do.
  • I wanted to make other people happy.
  • That last bullet – making other people happy – wow, people-pleasing at its finest!
  • I did what others expected me to do. 
  • I didn’t want to be rude.
  • I wanted other people to always come to me as if I was NEEDED.
  • I was desperate to be liked. I haaaated thinking that someone didn’t like me. Honestly, it still kind of bothers me, but at least I have the awareness to it now.
  • Three things were happening here:
  • I was raised to be a “good girl.”
  • I was afraid to look within, to figure out who I really was and what I wanted.
  • I was afraid to stick up for myself – I didn’t think I deserved to do that.

Many of us were raised to be “good.” And if we’re not “good” then we must be “bad.”

I was raised to put others first, that women serve, that saying ‘no’ either wasn’t done or it was done with guilt, and that if I had the time, I should.

But screw that. If you want to say no, say no.

I know it’s so much harder to put into practice, especially if you’ve gone your entire life pleasing others.

My husband is a big people-pleaser. I always tell him, “We no longer do things that we don’t want to do.” It’s taken him some time (4 years…) but we’ve finally gotten there.

For a long time, I didn’t really know what I wanted, or what made feel joy, or what made my energy skyrocket. So I just did everything, hoping to figure it out somehow. I didn’t. I was just really tired and annoyed that I was doing things that I didn’t love doing.

I was super afraid to speak up for myself until recently. Even now, I still hesitate. I’m working on this all the time. A pause helps me, and a plan. I envision the conversation going really well, slow my speaking, breathe, and pause when necessary.

Want to learn how to say no:
You don’t have to say ‘no’ at first, just say, ‘I’ll think about it’ or ‘let me check my schedule’ – this gives you time to pause and think. Ask yourself if this is something you really want to do, if it serves your best interest – and if not, it’s a no.

Remember, you’re allowed to not want to do something. Nothing is wrong with you if you simply need to rest at home, or if you just don’t want to do that thing. You’re normal!

Do you really know what you want? Sometimes, we say yes because we don’t even know what we want. Investigate – do you know your values and boundaries, do you know what you want to experience in life, do you know what’s important to you, do you know what enhances your energy and what sucks your energy dry? When you know these things, it’s easy to know if it’s a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’

It’s okay to feel guilt. You can simply feel it, instead of trying to push it away, or saying ‘yes’ just to get rid of it. Understand that it takes time and practice to change your habits. Soon enough, the guilt won’t even happen anymore.

If someone is upset with your ‘no,’ that’s on them – not on you. We can’t control how other people react to us. We only control how we respond and react. Stay in your lane.

Make this your new mantra and practice living this way: If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.

Commit to Yourself. Commit to Love.

I had many years of feeling like I was missing something. I figured out so much of my life – I had great friendships, a good job with a good salary, satisfactory family relationships, and a great apartment in the heart of Manhattan.

So what happened to my love life?

Nothing ever seemed to work out. He only wanted to hook up, he was rude, he looked nothing like his picture on the dating app, he drank too much, I drank too much, he decided that he didn’t want a girlfriend, he wasn’t chivalrous, etc.

It felt like dating wasn’t supposed to be this hard. I just assumed it would happen to me one day, easily and swiftly, and then all would be good and could have this box checked.

Little did I know – it’s not just a box to be checked, dating doesn’t have to suck, chivalry does still exist, and some men actually do want a serious relationship.

I found this out after I decided to take my love life seriously.

I read books, I told everyone what I was looking for, I decided what I wanted, I worked on my confidence, and I decided to try harder…not at dating…at being myself, at having fun, at viewing dating with ease, at sticking to my boundaries, and at my certainty. I began to believe that love would happen for me, it was just a matter of time.

It wasn’t always easy. But I began to date better. I began to have fun. And then I met my husband.

If you’re single now and feeling worried or anxious, I totally understand. This is exactly why I am a life coach who helps women find love – because I understand confusion and fear around finding love.

I’m launching The Single Girl’s Kit again with my amazing colleague Lena-Marie Gilbert. We solve your dating woes. Let us take the drama out of dating for you.

This group coaching program includes six weeks of lessons, three one-on-one coaching sessions to ensure that you are able to apply the material to your personal life, and the ELI Assessment.

This program is for you if

  • you’re sick of dating drama.
  • you are afraid of dating right now.
  • you’re still talking to your ex or can’t get over him.
  • you don’t have self-confidence in dating.
  • you haven’t dated in a really long time.
  • you don’t know what you want.
  • you don’t know how to have boundaries.
  • you are worried you’ll never meet your dreamy man.

Lena-Marie Gilbert and I teach you how to overcome ALL OF THIS AND SO MUCH MORE. We are building a community of like-minded, supportive women. You don’t just have our support, you have the support of every woman who is in the group and who has ever been through SGK.

You will leave this group feeling like a million bucks – totally knowing what you want, totally confident, totally able to squash the negativity around you, and totally ready to meet your person.

Commit to yourself. Commit to love.

Take CONTROL Of Your Dating Life

Dating can be hard. No matter your age, where you live, or past experience.

Are you tired of bad date after bad date, feeling like you keep dating the same types of guys? Do you keep dating men who don’t know what they want or aren’t ready for a relationship? Do you obsess over how to make your online profile, how to text, or always looking at your phone wondering when he is going to reach out to you? Do you feel out of control of your dating life?


This doesn’t have to be you. There is another way. Schedule a FREE CALL with me if you are ready to take control of your dating life.

You don’t have to date with drama. I’ll help you learn to date with ease and feel relaxed about your love life. You will have fun and feel fully confident that your ultimate love is on his way to you.

Are you ready for these kinds of results?

Know what kind of partner you want and deserve

Understand and use the law of attraction to meet the right kind of men

Feel confident in every area of your life, not just dating

Know and hold your boundaries and values

Be able to confidently walk away when he isn’t the one

Finally stop worrying about whether or not he likes you.

If you’re frustrated, let’s talk.

Take control NOW. If what you are doing right now isn’t working, why would you wait?

This is your life. Take control and begin to actually enjoy dating.

Rebuild To CONQUER

What are you willing to try in order to have the life of your dreams? What are you willing to try in order to find the love of your life, or get your dream job, or have better relationships, or more money, or to finally have self-confidence? Do you feel like you have tried everything…are you stuck?

I felt stuck too.

I began my journey many years ago, as a single woman trying to navigate the dating world. My inner-work moved to my confidence around my career, then family, then friendships. And when I hit a wall with my inner-work and didn’t know where to go next, that’s when I hired a coach. This is when things moved into over-drive. And in becoming a coach myself, I am an expert at navigating my emotions and supporting others through their own personal changes and shifts.

Along the way, I failed so many times. There have been family and friend casualties as I re-evaluated and set new values and boundaries. Some people in my life simply were not ready to accept the new me and now I know that’s okay. Also, I have welcomed new friends and with my new husband, added family too.

But what people always skip over is how I got here.

Transformation is hard. I had so many starts and stops. I never thought I was smart enough to stick to anything or to learn anything new. I never thought I deserved love. I never thought I could stand up for myself or others. I always just accepted what I got because I thought it was all I could get. It wasn’t until I finally stopped believing every thought I had when I really began to feel a shift. I realized that my thoughts were deceiving me. My thoughts were telling me that I wasn’t good enough. Where did that come from? And why? And why was I just accepting it? I realized that I can think any thought I want about myself. I can believe and interpret whatever I want for my life.

Changing my habits has taken major effort, a ton of energy, and commitment.

They include sleepless nights and nights where I feel more restful than I ever have before. There have been times where I resent becoming self-aware and moments where I am so grateful that I am moved to tears.

I disrupted my entire thought process, re-evaluated every relationship, set new values and boundaries for myself, and overall, built a completely new habit around my thoughts. Ultimately, this process has given me confidence, love, self-assurance, resilience. Also included are fear, restlessness, doubt, and anxiety. But thanks to my practices, I know how to handle all the stuff that raises my blood pressure.

I am happy AND I am okay when I get it wrong. One major thing I’ve learned is how to get back up when I fall. And I fall often. Building new habits and new thoughts is work.

I created the Re-Build to Re-Conquer program based on my personal journey. Teaching what I know with the addition of my coaching skills is why this program works. I have been through it, and because I have come out the other side feeling joy and fulfillment, I know you can too. What are you willing to try?

This is the work. Having a growth mindset. Being willing to change. Being willing to go deep into your emotions and find the core thoughts that aren’t serving you, and decide how to choose better next time. This is not about regret for your past or wishing that you had learned these lessons earlier – this is about being proud of getting to this point in your life. Being proud of the journey that you are about to embark upon. Knowing that every single day is a chance to begin your new life.

I know what it feels like to think that that you are not good enough and I know what it feels like to feel the opposite – to truly believe that you are worthy. You can choose worthy, even when it feels like an uphill battle.

Are you willing to try?

Want to know more about the Re-Build and Re-Conquer program? Schedule a FREE Discovery Call or Learn more about the Program HERE

The Single Girl’s Kit

Love can be hard. No matter your age, where you live, socio-economic status, or quarantine status – love can be hard.

Disney movies do a horrible job with love. I hate to break it to you if you already didn’t know, but Cinderella doesn’t actually exist. There is no knight-in-shining-armor coming to save you, and by the way, you don’t need to be saved.

Our society tells women that they need to be saved by a man, that we must be quiet and pretty, and now, if we aren’t dating online, then it won’t happen for us.

I’m here to tell you that all of this is fake news. 

  • Has your self-esteem been taken away by countless bad dates?
  • Are you exhausted?
  • Do you keep dating the same type of man over and over again, wondering where you’re going wrong?
  • Do you keep dating men who don’t know what they want or aren’t ready for love?
  • Do you obsess over how to make your online profile, how to text, or always looking at your phone wondering when he is going to reach out to you?
  • Do you feel out of control of your dating life?

STOP. This doesn’t have to be you.

The Single Girl’s Kit is your six-week dating rehab.

You don’t have to date with drama. After this program, you will be dating with ease. You will have fun and feel fully confident that your ultimate love is on its way to you.

After six weeks you will feel in control:

  • Know what kind of partner you want and deserve
  • Understand and use the law of attraction to meet the right kind of men
  • Feel confident in every area of your life, not just dating
  • Know and hold your boundaries and values
  • Be able to confidently walk away when he isn’t the one
  • Finally stop worrying about whether or not he likes you 

This program is for you if you are so frustrated with your dating life.

Along with six-weeks of group work, you will have one-on-one access to Lena-Marie or me for four coaching sessions so that you can dig deep in order to apply each concept to your life. This is not to be missed.

Take control NOW. If what you are doing right now isn’t working, why would you wait?

If you are ready, click HERE to register.

If you are questioning, reach out to me or register HERE for the YouTube live happening tomorrow at 7pm EST where we’re answering all of your questions.

This is your life. Start enjoying it now.

A Bad Day Doesn’t Mean A Bad Life

Are interpretations and assumptions ruining your life? Do you come up with a story/reason/excuse for everything that happens – and usually that story doesn’t work out to your advantage?

Stop it.

Stop letting your negative thoughts about yourself determine your story.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  • Interpreting why a guy isn’t texting you without having any actual facts?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
  • Assuming you won’t get the job?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
  • Assuming no one is hiring?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
  • Interpreting how other people perceive you?⠀
  • Stressed about a future event that you have no control over?
  • Disappointed in something that happened in the past and replaying it over and over in your head?
  • Worried about maybe possibly hitting traffic later?
  • Judging others or yourself constantly?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This is totally common and normal, but it doesn’t make you happy and it stops you from going after your goals. Statements like these get in your way and you might not even notice you’re doing it.⠀⠀⠀

I did it too. Coaching helped me quit. Coaching helped me see my brain doing this, and eventually, stop it. When I hired a coach, I didn’t even realize what I was doing and how my thoughts were stopping me. My coach helped me see and feel the importance of getting out of my head. And now that I’m a coach, I help my clients do the same. I have so much experience quitting negative thoughts, and now I help others quit too.⠀

This is where your work really begins, and it is not easy. But I know you can do this.

  • Simply begin to notice your thoughts.
  • Notice when your brain is taking you for a ride and decide to stop it.
  • Notice when your brain is caught up in a story and say out loud, “Stop. This story has no place here.” (Say whatever works for you, and keep trying new mantra’s until something really sticks.)
  • Make a note of what you are doing and who you are with when you stop the story.
  • Take a moment to look up, to feel grateful, to be fully present.
  • Put a note in your phone to be reminded a few times per day, “in the moment,” as a reminder to get out of your head.
  • Maybe stand up or take a walk when you need to get out of your head.
  • Get back to your to-do list
  • Text a friend and tell her what you’re doing and ask her to be your accountability partner

Do what works for you – and when you have a day that feels off and nothing seems to be working, that’s okay.

Tell yourself that tomorrow is a new day and you can start over then. One bad day doesn’t mean that you have failed and you should quit. It simply means you had a bad day.

You can tackle the negative thoughts and get back on track toward your goals. This is the first place to start. When you are ready to have support, reach out to me and I’ll help you keep on track toward the life that you truly want.

What’s the one thing that’s stopping you in your tracks? …your lack of confidence…you may feel stuck like you don’t deserve your dream life, or that it is impossible for you to have. All you see are blocks in front of you. This is where I come in.

Tracy and I are hosting the Create Your Confident Life workshop that will guide you through the steps to gaining self-confidence and seeing yourself as a worthy woman who CAN go after and attain her goals.

You will walk away from this workshop understanding how to feel fully confident and how to attract the life you want.

Stop Feeling Lost and Out Of Control

Who do you want to be? 

Do you know the answer to that question; could you tell someone? And if you do know who you want to be, do you believe that you have the power within you to become that person? Do you feel stuck and unable to make changes? This is the perfect time to become the person you truly want to be – to be your authentic and powerful self. (Every day is the perfect opportunity.)

Without the self-confidence to back you up, you feel lost and out of control. You don’t even go after your goals because you think to yourself, “What’s the point in even starting…I don’t know what to do first…”

All of that is normal.

Our negative thoughts are like water…creeping into every open space in our brain, drowning positivity out so that self-love feels impossible. 

Save this image and share it on your Instagram. Use #HCCQOTD so we can find you!

 Is every positive thought you have about yourself followed by a thought telling you that you’re not good enough…stopping you in your tracks?

News Flash: Your life doesn’t have to be this way. You do have the power to take control now. It all starts from within.

Allow yourself some peace and quiet while you decide who you want to be. Don’t just think about the steps below, get writing:

  1. First, what do you love about your life? What are you grateful for? Who loves you unconditionally? (Consider beginning each day with grateful thoughts.)
  2. How can you do more of #1? How can you give more of your attention to what’s working well for you?
  3. What do you wish to change about yourself, about your thoughts, about your life?
  4. What is just one thought or one action that you can do today to move in the direction of the life you want? Don’t worry about the ending right now or the huge, lofty goal in front of you – just one small step. (Oftentimes, we get overwhelmed in this moment. Notice whatever is coming up for you, accept it as a part of you, and yet decide to continue on this new path even when your mind tries to stop you.)
  5. Notice your thoughts right now. What’s happening and how do your thoughts make you feel? Do you need a new mantra to insert right here to push out the bad thoughts? Do it…what’s your new mantra? (I am powerful, I am enough, I am love, I am growth, etc.)

Do this everyday. Just one small action. Just one new, positive thought about yourself. Put your mantra as your phone screen or in your calendar to remind you during the day. This is a new habit for you and it will take time. Decide that even on a day when you fail, you’ll get back up and start again the next day. You are developing a new muscle.

Have fun. Allow for spontaneity. Enjoy the journey. Everyone has the power to be the person they dream to be, especially you.

You can view more about me and my life HERE

Book A Discovery Call with me HERE