A Story About Fear.

A story about FEAR.

A few weeks ago Tracy Hensel asked me if I was interested in conducting a “live” coaching session on her You Tube channel for her viewers to learn more about what a one on one session looks like.  At first, my head said, “um, no way”  

I immediately felt RESISTANCE, which is so normal when you are asked to do something uncomfortable and unfamiliar.  Resistance is associated with fear, I wanted to run away and hide.

Fear by definition is “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat” 

Our body feels fear first.  When Tracy asked the question, I felt the fear and resistance in my body (some examples of feeling fear are chest tightens, heart starts beating faster, throat closes, stomach drops), but I paused long enough (and didn’t respond “NO WAY!” right away like my mind wanted me to), and my conscious mind stepped in, “Wait, there is no danger, no threat.  Of course you feel uncomfortable, you will be putting yourself out there so a lot of fears pop up (fear of looking stupid, fear of what others will think, fear of failure) however, you are safe and you CAN do hard things”  I knew that the feeling of resistance was telling me EXACTLY what I need to do, so I responded “YES”

Of course, I am still feeling discomfort and I have this mixture of nervous excitement about the whole thing.  My mind keeps trying to keep me safe, for example, I have a little imposter syndrome (like, who am I to think I can live on a You Tube channel for all to see?!?!?”) and moments of, “oh no, are you sure you want to go through with this?” but I know better and I know not to listen to my mind in those moments. 

Like everyone, I have had these moments of fear and resistance before (only now because of the mindfulness work that I do and I teach, I know how to manage it!!), and instead of letting it completely consume me, I can shift my thinking about it.  So instead, I ask myself “How can I make this more fun?”,  “How can I use this as a learning experience?”, “How do I want to show up? I can focus on that” and my favorite, shifting to gratitude, “Thank you, I am grateful for this experience”

While the fear is still there, shifting my thoughts around it helps tremendously.  It enables me to go from powerless and emotional, to feeling powerful.  And I also remember WHY I said YES, because it’s a pretty cool opportunity, I love coaching and want more people to understand the impact of it and how special it really is, and we only grow from challenging ourselves so playing small and staying safe isn’t what I am here for.

Will it be perfect, ummm, no, nothing is. 

But progress over perfection, and simply showing up, as my best, most authentic self, and doing my best to create a safe, open space for my client is the goal here.  I look at this as one more experience to enjoy, learn, and grow from!  

I hope you will join me tomorrow, Wednesday May 19 at 6PM EST for Hensel Coaching and Consultings first (hopefully of many!) live coaching on You Tube!  If you like what you see, or are curious yourself of coaching and how you can benefit from it, schedule a FREE discovery call with me.  

I love this quote on fear, so much comes up for me when I read it!  Hope it brings up some thoughts for you too!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles” 

The Power In Beginnings | Book Recommendations Included!

The close of 2020 is drawing near, and I can’t help but wonder, how many versions of yourself have you met this year?

I know for me, it’s been countless. Never before I have changed so much in such a short time. I simply don’t recognize myself.

These speeds of change and chaos feel absolutely absurd! And all the while, we’re only ever moving forward.

Remember, you cannot go backwards in your healing.

Whether intentional or not, we have all had to learn a little bit more about ourselves this year.

With everything that has happened,how did you do it?

How did you make it here? How are you still standing? Still growing? Changed for the better.

In what ways have you learned to open your heart to something different or new this year?

Where is your compass headed that is different from 1 year ago?

Which happenings snuck up so quick, you didn’t have time to decide how to feel? 

What happens when you stopped feeling like you knew what you were doing?

This is the power of the beginner’s mind. When we don’t know, our life force keeps us going. This is your divine nature! It’s all here, waiting for you, never not here.

As you approach your 2021, let the beginner’s mind take you. Sometimes, when we think we know what we’re doing, or where we are going, we’re turning our back to what is coming our way.

This year was a year to learn how to live in the unknown.

You did it.

Don’t turn back and don’t underestimate this new power you now have!–the future can always awaken brighter than the past. 

Here are some of my favorite tools for living in the present with a beginner’s mind. Note: I don’t get ANY commission for recommending these. I genuinely believe in their power. Enjoy!

Oracle Cards with Collette Baron Reid
Sometimes I don’t know how to get through a certain decision or situation. I turn to my guides. I don’t speak the language of intuition fluently, but I do have my tools. Colette’s cards get my mind out of my fear and into the loving right decision.

True Story: Just last week I really wanted to adopt a dog (finally!) but wasn’t sure it was the right decision. I called on my guides and did a reading. With her Animal Spirit deck I got “Dog Spirit” and with her Wisdom of the Oracle deck I got, “Happy, Happy.” All signs were a GO! I asked for guidance all along the way, and nothing stopped me from adopting him. From the 2-hour drive, to the cost and paperwork. It’s as simple as that. It happened because it didn’t not happen, and I just kept going.  Turns out, he was the BEST pick and has been a miracle in my life. In short: you can ask your guides.

Why Bother by Jennifer Louden
I love this book because it got real with me about my apathy in my life. When it all came crashing down in 2019, I just didn’t see any reason to try. This book is kick-ass for the dormant kick-ass in you. Try it out if you’re feeling hesitant about what the future holds for YOU!

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
This is the bible of the Beginner’s mind, with irrefutable wisdom sure to stop your busy-body head dead in its tracks. Slow it down, feel it out, get real, and know that there is freedom in the unknown. 

I have opened up my scheduling calendar to prepare for the holiday season and 2021. Family and new beginnings can be challenging, triggering and difficult to navigate.  Schedule a free discovery call with me to work it through. Hensel Coaching and Consulting is here for you.

As always, with big love and light, 

Take CONTROL Of Your Dating Life

Dating can be hard. No matter your age, where you live, or past experience.

Are you tired of bad date after bad date, feeling like you keep dating the same types of guys? Do you keep dating men who don’t know what they want or aren’t ready for a relationship? Do you obsess over how to make your online profile, how to text, or always looking at your phone wondering when he is going to reach out to you? Do you feel out of control of your dating life?


This doesn’t have to be you. There is another way. Schedule a FREE CALL with me if you are ready to take control of your dating life.

You don’t have to date with drama. I’ll help you learn to date with ease and feel relaxed about your love life. You will have fun and feel fully confident that your ultimate love is on his way to you.

Are you ready for these kinds of results?

Know what kind of partner you want and deserve

Understand and use the law of attraction to meet the right kind of men

Feel confident in every area of your life, not just dating

Know and hold your boundaries and values

Be able to confidently walk away when he isn’t the one

Finally stop worrying about whether or not he likes you.

If you’re frustrated, let’s talk.

Take control NOW. If what you are doing right now isn’t working, why would you wait?

This is your life. Take control and begin to actually enjoy dating.