Love can be hard. No matter your age, where you live, socio-economic status, or quarantine status – love can be hard.
Disney movies do a horrible job with love. I hate to break it to you if you already didn’t know, but Cinderella doesn’t actually exist. There is no knight-in-shining-armor coming to save you, and by the way, you don’t need to be saved.
Our society tells women that they need to be saved by a man, that we must be quiet and pretty, and now, if we aren’t dating online, then it won’t happen for us.
I’m here to tell you that all of this is fake news.
Has your self-esteem been taken away by countless bad dates?
Are you exhausted?
Do you keep dating the same type of man over and over again, wondering where you’re going wrong?
Do you keep dating men who don’t know what they want or aren’t ready for love?
Do you obsess over how to make your online profile, how to text, or always looking at your phone wondering when he is going to reach out to you?
Do you feel out of control of your dating life?
STOP. This doesn’t have to be you.
The Single Girl’s Kit is your six-week dating rehab.
You don’t have to date with drama. After this program, you will be dating with ease. You will have fun and feel fully confident that your ultimate love is on its way to you.
After six weeks you will feel in control:
Know what kind of partner you want and deserve
Understand and use the law of attraction to meet the right kind of men
Feel confident in every area of your life, not just dating
Know and hold your boundaries and values
Be able to confidently walk away when he isn’t the one
Finally stop worrying about whether or not he likes you
This program is for you if you are so frustrated with your dating life.
Along with six-weeks of group work, you will have one-on-one access to Lena-Marie or me for four coaching sessions so that you can dig deep in order to apply each concept to your life. This is not to be missed.
Take control NOW. If what you are doing right now isn’t working, why would you wait?
If you are questioning, reach out to me or register HERE for the YouTube live happening tomorrow at 7pm EST where we’re answering all of your questions.
This week marks the first few days of school for my girls.
My oldest is entering Middle School and my youngest, 4th grade. After being home since March, they are excited to be back in the classroom. And like every other year, September brings along the ending of summer, the end of the beach for our family, and the easy breezy schedule that I love.
This year, school is different for so many of us, lots to navigate, lots of taking it day by day as we transition back into a new year with lots of unknowns as COVID is still present and has made things look a lot different this year.
As a mom, I have so many emotions and especially with my oldest entering a new school this year, just wanting her to find her way, feel confident, and settle in.
It is a lot to navigate which got me to thinking, I am always sharing some type of lesson with my kids. My husband will joke when I start going down that path, “here goes mom, life lesson #547”. We usually pause, laugh, and then I go on with my lesson because I feel they are important.
Starting school again always brings up a lot of emotions, a lot of conversations at home about their thoughts, how they feel, and reactions to what is happening to them and what they observe. So since that was on my mind today as I sat down to write this, I wanted to share some here. Coincidentally, these lessons are lessons I have been learning and saying to myself as an adult, but they can be applied at any age, so I figure why not start them young!
Here are some of my favorites that seem to be on repeat ….
You may be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be someone who hates peaches; not everyone is going to love you but those who do will love you hard
Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business so do not take them personally
Comparison is the thief of joy; everyone has their own journey and you have yours so stay in your lane
You never know what someone is going through, be kind
Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, and pay attention to when you surround yourself with people who don’t
Use your voice, be your own advocate. If you need something or something does not seem right, speak up
As yourself, “What can I learn from this?”.. Every experience is meant to teach you something new
You are enough, love who you are – you do not need other peoples validation
I 100% have more lessons (I mean, to get to #547!!!), but these are the ones we have been working on in my house recently. Hope they empower you and inspire you! We can do hard things!
Today, I am just sad. My daughter left after staying with me for 3 weeks. We did not have a single fight which is epic news (one minor scuffle in the Verizon store but technology challenges don’t count, right?). She loves to cook, and I love to eat, so we are a perfect pair. I even watched some throw away shows on Netflix that I eventually got sucked into. This time it was Single Wives. I did see some educational value in the show because it was about 4 single women looking to find love led by a relationship coach, and I thought I could learn something since I am a coach myself.
Honestly, though, I just plain miss her.
Saying goodbye without really knowing when you will see your kids again hurts. Empty nesting brings up all sorts of feelings, and if you add a global pandemic on top of empty nesting, it feels 100x worse.
Given that I am a coach and supposed to know how to pull myself out of this funk, what to do?
First and foremost, I am honest about how I am feeling, and I am choosing to stay sad. In the past, I would have worked until I didn’t feel anything. And, in fairness, this strategy worked for me for a very long time. The downstream effect of this behavior though was that I was very disconnected from myself and this caused me to think and act in ways that were not truly beneficial to my overall well-being.
Despite what you may think, coaching isn’t always about making yourself feel better.
I think there is a very common misperception that this is what coaches do. Many times, I am working with my clients on simply acknowledging how they are feeling – raising their level of awareness. You would be surprised how often we skim over this part. Sometimes we are so busy taking care of others and our lives in general, the last person we focus on is ourselves. So today, I acknowledged how I was feeling and did not rush through it. I also surrounded myself with some amazingly uplifting friends (Life is Messy). And now, I am writing about this topic. I am taking action and not letting my feelings debilitate me. I believe this is a much more accurate depiction of how coaching works.
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my emails. It is very much appreciated. If you have questions about coaching, please reach out to me.
You can schedule a Free Discovery Call With Me HERE
So I will be the first person to tell you that I love love.
I love falling in love and being in love.
(cue the butterflies, the champagne, and the romantic music)
I used to consider myself a relationship type of girl.
I spent 90% of my 20s going from relationship to relationship.
It was exciting to find a man I really liked, go through the courtship phase, become exclusive and then fall in love…
As you can see, I had a process.
And it worked for a bit… until it didn’t.
Because 10% of the time when I was single, I was so frustrated! I was so busy trying to find “my ride or die”, I failed to see that I had the opportunity to become my own “ride or die”.
When I finally embraced being single, I learned to be happy with myself. I learned to fall in love with myself.
As a break-up and dating coach, I see so many clients who struggle with being single or can’t seem to let go of “the one that got away”.
So they hold onto that glimmer of hope or settle for that person who doesn’t quite meet their needs because “there’s probably no one better”.
That makes me so sad!
So what opportunities are available to you now that your single?
Personal growth: I’m a huge believer in investing in your brain. You’re in charge of your life and no one can run it better than you! Now that you’re single, you can spend more time gaining new knowledge and learning new skills. Learn more about yourself! Embrace your authentic self. Hire a coach to help guide you through this transition!
Hobbies and classes: You’ll have more time in your schedule to explore new hobbies and interests. Take a class, join The Single Girl’s Kit: Fall 🙂
Hang out with your friends you kinda neglected while you were in your relationship (guilty of this). Now you can build stronger friendships.
Lifestyle change: In my last relationship, I gained 10lbs in four years! I definitely developed some unhealthy habits and patterns. So when you’re single: you can prioritize your health more. You’ll also have more money because relationships can be expensive. Dating can be expensive. So when you’re single you’ll have more money to play with! Treat yourself!
What other possibilities come up for you when you start to embrace your singlehood?
Start embracing and celebrating your greatness today by booking a complimentary Discovery Session with me.
You don’t have to do it alone!
And guess what?
The Single Girl’s Kit: Fall Edition is back September 23rd!
Be fearless by breaking all the rules!
Be more self-confident!
Learn how to attract the man of your dreams!
You’re 100% worthy and the ladies of The Single Girl’s Kit never lower their standards!
What is unfolding doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon–collectively or personally. I know that for me I am going through incredible change that isn’t necessarily good or bad, but it is real and intense.
When we show up for the work, the work works us.
Staying present, owning our reality and always being willing to accept what is truly here is no small task. Infact, it’s very rare.
Much of the world runs on autopilot; without a pause. People act, think, say and do most things out of formality. They do what they think is right, expected, acceptable or what they see others doing.
But is that really who you are?
What do YOU want to be doing?
Is that really what you want to say to this person?
Do you actually want to be here right now?
When we stop and observe that autopilot animal that is ourselves, we notice what really doesn’t make sense. We start to question the real why behind our actions and in effect, the actions themselves start to change. Like an animal that realizes it is being watched.
“Oh, you see me?”
This means that we start to change. How we show up, the choices we make, what we say and how we feel all start to look different. Miracles happen.
Spoiler alert: once this starts to happen, there’s no going back!
The beginning of this process can be met with a lot of fear. And I mean A LOT. For the first year of “taking the mask off” I was taking cold showers, jumping in the ocean, shaking uncontrollably, eating ungodly amounts of chocolate or not eating at all. I was re-awakening my nervous system and letting all the fear, anxiety and panic detox from my system from years of pretending to be someone else, holding my tongue or making decisions out of survival.
Afraid of being seen as a “Bitch”? Try this on for size instead:
Being In Total Control of Herself.
Damn straight. I sure am. Thank you! It’s a pleasure to be here.
Getting Loose
With time, coaching and somatic resourcing the fear and anxiety started to normalize and I started to show up “unfiltered.” This is still where I am now and let me tell you–it’s a HOOT watching Kelsey get loose in her natural habitat.
When we start to understand our precious nature, practice strong boundaries and learn to take up space in safety and worthiness there is an inner Self that is ready to rock n’ roll–just waiting to party.
For me, lately, my True self has been getting in a little bit of trouble while manifesting a LOT of goodness.
Some typical thoughts for me lately are,
“Did I really just say that?”
“Where did that response come from?”
“Wow Kelsey you’re really not holding back are you?”
“Easy, tiger!”
“You do know people can see you, right Kelsey?”
Owning our Emotions
I’ve become so intimate with my own needs, wants, thoughts and desires that it feels as though all day, every day, I am in conversation with me. People around me have a ball of a time watching me do silly things, enjoy moment-to-moment experiences and speak honesty, truth or total hogwash. But man, am I keepin’ it real!
Quick Tip:
Being honest with ourselves about our true emotions can be incredibly difficult and hard to learn to do. If you’re struggling with this, check out this video showing a father’s patient love. I refer back to this when I need a reminder of how to do this for myself. This is the process of “spiritual reparenting” and is incredibly powerful.
Common side effects of becoming an embodied True self:
Heightened emotions and the experiencing of those emotions.
BIG tears, BIG fears, BIG anger, BIG joy, BIG peace. WOOF!
Hold on tight, love bugs! It’s JUICY.
Unfiltered, direct, clear communication.
This can catch people off guard if they are used to you playing small, but it also attracts the people who can handle it and that are drawn to the True you.
Less judgment towards self and others.
There’s a big trusting in the Self that transforms our thoughts from right vs wrong to option 1 vs option 2. Either way–you’re still worthy. You cannot make a mistake. You’re just learning!
We become manifesting machines when we are tuned into the True self. When we are clear with what we want, own it and admit it to the Universe, it delivers. I have too many stories to count on this lately. It’s incredible. The issue is that we are too busy blocking the Love if we are out of alignment.
Less patience for nonsense.
When we get this real with ourselves, we can start to sniff out the junky, sticky, catabolic stuff in others. They aren’t wrong for it, since hey! I was just there myself not too long ago. Everyone’s journey is unique and perfectly timed for them. But do I genuinely want to continue hanging around them? The True, unfiltered Kelsey says, “No thanks!” But I know that isn’t for me to decide or to do. I simply have to show up as myself and the relationship will either end itself or transform.
Does this sound like fun yet?
I have come to understand that for me, this is the purpose of this lifetime and everyone else who is walking it would say the same.
It is so worth it.
Is it sexy? You’d be surprised!
Is it fun? If we let it be so!
Is it energizing? Like a sugar high that leads to a crash, yes.
Is it worth it? Without question.
I average 8-10 hours a week on self-development work right now. We definitely don’t need the blind leading the blind, and this chic is not messing around when it comes to showing up for the work. I like to participate in things like 1:1 regular coaching and solo retreats with my coach, women’s groups, spiritual awakening groups, somatic therapies, emotional support partnerships, attending webinars, trainings and classes, reading spiritual literature, and practicing yoga and meditation. This is not only to resource me fully so that I can show up blazing for my clients, but also so that I can be a conduit of knowledge, tools and resources.
What do you need in order to awaken the Self inside of you?
What in this article calls to you?
What are you curious about?
What are you waiting for?
If you’re ready to get real and get to work, let’s connect. This work is ready and waiting for you!
Coaching with Kelsey
Coaching for Codependency
Addressing codependency is such a large part of my coaching that I have added an entire resource page to the topic on my site. Check it out here and reach out if you’re looking to heal your relationships, confidence and self-esteem from the inside out.
Coaching with young women is a growing part of my practice, and in my heart!
Growing up in these times of uncertainty and chaos can be incredibly confusing for young girls developing into strong, empowered women. Stability, consistency and integrity are core to developing a healthy sense of self, confidence and expression. Together, we construct a large, safe, spacious and creative container to support natural transformation, fostering the development of healthy self-esteem, body image, self-concept and relationship skills.
Common Topics for Young Women:
Negative self-talk
Friendships & early relationships
Self-esteem, confidence and self-image
Communication & trust
Emotional stability & regulation
Fear, anxiety or depression
Social engagement and creativity
Schedule a free Discovery Call to discuss coaching options for the young woman in your life
Coaching with Men Under 50
Having a coach of the opposite sex and can have profoundly healing and transformative effects at any age. In the right opposite sex coach <> client connection, we are safe to explore the corners, needs, and thoughts that aren’t being addressed. We’re free to question the masculine/feminine energies objectively, hold space for opportunities and new ways of being and finally move past the blockers of limiting beliefs. I find that in coaching with men, they become confident and willing to explore beyond the expectations put on them by society, culture, friends and even women themselves. I am grateful for my years of intense experience working with male executives that acquainted me with the masculine dynamic, what it requires and how to remove barriers to growth.
Kelsey is not only a coach who just “gets” you, but allows you the space to truly “get” yourself, to reconnect with the truest and most powerful version of yourself. As a coach, Kelsey is unafraid to partner with you as you travel into unknown territory and lifts you up as she manages to inspire you to transform your vision of what is impossible or uncertain, into a journey that you WILL and do conquer. If you are looking for your capital T Truth – Kelsey is your coach!
Are interpretations and assumptions ruining your life? Do you come up with a story/reason/excuse for everything that happens – and usually that story doesn’t work out to your advantage?
Stop it.
Stop letting your negative thoughts about yourself determine your story.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Interpreting why a guy isn’t texting you without having any actual facts?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Assuming you won’t get the job?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Assuming no one is hiring?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Interpreting how other people perceive you?⠀
Stressed about a future event that you have no control over?
Disappointed in something that happened in the past and replaying it over and over in your head?
Worried about maybe possibly hitting traffic later?
Judging others or yourself constantly?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This is totally common and normal, but it doesn’t make you happy and it stops you from going after your goals. Statements like these get in your way and you might not even notice you’re doing it.⠀⠀⠀
I did it too. Coaching helped me quit. Coaching helped me see my brain doing this, and eventually, stop it. When I hired a coach, I didn’t even realize what I was doing and how my thoughts were stopping me. My coach helped me see and feel the importance of getting out of my head. And now that I’m a coach, I help my clients do the same. I have so much experience quitting negative thoughts, and now I help others quit too.⠀
This is where your work really begins, and it is not easy. But I know you can do this.
Simply begin to notice your thoughts.
Notice when your brain is taking you for a ride and decide to stop it.
Notice when your brain is caught up in a story and say out loud, “Stop. This story has no place here.” (Say whatever works for you, and keep trying new mantra’s until something really sticks.)
Make a note of what you are doing and who you are with when you stop the story.
Take a moment to look up, to feel grateful, to be fully present.
Put a note in your phone to be reminded a few times per day, “in the moment,” as a reminder to get out of your head.
Maybe stand up or take a walk when you need to get out of your head.
Get back to your to-do list
Text a friend and tell her what you’re doing and ask her to be your accountability partner
Do what works for you – and when you have a day that feels off and nothing seems to be working, that’s okay.
Tell yourself that tomorrow is a new day and you can start over then. One bad day doesn’t mean that you have failed and you should quit. It simply means you had a bad day.
You can tackle the negative thoughts and get back on track toward your goals. This is the first place to start. When you are ready to have support, reach out to me and I’ll help you keep on track toward the life that you truly want.
What’s the one thing that’s stopping you in your tracks? …your lack of confidence…you may feel stuck like you don’t deserve your dream life, or that it is impossible for you to have. All you see are blocks in front of you. This is where I come in.
Tracy and I are hosting the Create Your Confident Life workshop that will guide you through the steps to gaining self-confidence and seeing yourself as a worthy woman who CAN go after and attain her goals.
You will walk away from this workshop understanding how to feel fully confident and how to attract the life you want.
A peer recently said this in a group coaching program that we are in together, and I had such a lightbulb moment, “OH MY YES! I AM THE WORK” (cue the applause!!!!)
Over the past year, I started to APPLY what I learned in coaching school and beyond to my own life.
I am not sure if it was intentional at first, as I had simply decided to do something different when I leaned in and enrolled in coaching school, but it slowly has become a part of me.
And while I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, what I realize now is that my lens and perspective about life, how I was showing up and wanted to feel, expanded and so did I. I started to see things around me and within me differently.
The principles I was learning encouraged me to slow down, observe, raise my awareness, be present and in the moment, to understand the energy I wanted to feel and DECIDE to make different choices to support that. With the help of a coach, I found myself more often reflecting and challenging myself, my thoughts, and how I was showing up. I started to APPLY what I was learning, and it started to make a huge shift in my life.
“Information without application is simply entertainment”
It took me a while to figure this one out… I had been consuming so much “stuff” but not applying anything consistently – you know, reading books, listening to podcast, etc.
To be honest, I didn’t even really know what to apply for that matter because with so much information, it was overwhelming and change is uncomfortable, so easy to actually not do!
My personal growth journey had started years prior but this time felt different …. it was the self-discovery combined with the application, the habit changes, the small steps that became consistent, and actually helped me to change my beliefs, change my thoughts, change my actions. I realized I had been consuming a whole lot of information but not really applying it consistently, until now.
And while I am on the right path, I am human.
I learn I grow, I fall, I get back up, and keep at it. Because I am seeing how the work works, I can see how far I have come, how much I have grown, and it gives me chills!
The one place where I have seen the biggest change was in my relationships with others, particularly at home – with my children and my husband. I was calmer, I was yelling less, I was making decisions that just felt right, and having conversations that usually I would have totally avoided in the past.
I started to observe when I was feeling triggered and began to understand what I was lacking in those moments to cause me to feel uncertain. Once I began to slow down, pause, and notice (bye-bye autopilot!!!), I was able to show up differently, more confidently, more empowered. I began to set boundaries to help me feel how I wanted to feel (calm, ease, and joy are key feelings for me when I am with my family). And I was noticeably happier, lighter, and more focused to my kids and my husband.
I am the work!
As moms, we are stretched thin (now in Covid, it has felt like more than ever!) and as we anticipate going back to school, with a lot of uncertainty of how is it all going to get done, an idea came to me – why not teach “the work” that has made such an impact to me, to other moms.
I have always loved community, and to be able to create a space where we can share, grow and learn together. The one thing I know for sure, none of us should feel alone in this process of raising our children while also caring for ourselves and now, you do not have to!
I am hosting a 6-week group coaching, “Revive and Thrive Mastermind – Mom Edition” starting September 3. I will be teaching “the work” that I have done and continue to do to raise my awareness, understand my triggers, and choose how I want to feel and show up and actually do it! We will also have the space to share our wins and discuss challenges, to learn from each other, hold each other accountable, and to inspire and support each other.
Sign up by August 7 to receive a BONUS of TWO FREE 30 minute one on one coaching sessions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and message me.
Spots are limited, so act quickly!
I would love to share this work and this experience with all of you!
Ever have one of those days/weeks/years (hello 2020)?
You try everything and you just cannot seem to make it work?
As an entrepreneur, I can tell you I have lots of these days. I have, no lie, about 10 different articles that I am working on right now. Each one just doesn’t have quite the right note that I am trying to hit. I have an article on making mistakes ( I have made tons), #BLM, my view on assessments, and another article that focuses on asking people how they are and how we are conditioned to lie about how we are feeling and even worse, not really paying attention to the response.
I mean I have lots of great ideas, but I am having a hard time executing on any of them. Is this the perfectionist in me? When I do release my bi-weekly emails, I generally need to feel inspired to write. Something hits me over the head like a ton of bricks, and I know that is what I am going to write about. I suppose you just have to get used to using this particular muscle and then it just gets easier, right?
I believe wholeheartedly in working new muscle groups for peak efficiency.
I really do.
But, is something else at play here? As coaches, we always ask ourselves the same questions we ask our clients. We try to get to the root cause of our actions. So, if I take writing as an example and take away the inspiration layer, what is really behind the reason why I can’t seem to get a new post written?
Well, if I am being honest, I believe it is fear. Fear of judgment. How can I as a white person write about #BLM, how can I as a former Talent Acquisition / Ad agency specialist write about assessments when so much has already been written? Want to find out why we lie when someone asks us how we feel, listen to a Brene’ Brown podcast… and the list goes on about why I can’t do something. This is my brain keeping me safe, protecting me from embarrassment, failure, and judgment. So much easier when we play it safe and listen to our thoughts on why we can’t do something, right?
Since I am sharing my story, I have to ask…. How much do you not do because you are worried about judgment and fear?
If I can get this article out today (because today is my deadline!), I know I can help you become unstuck and overcome your fear.
Do one thing today that takes you out of your comfort zone. I am here to help.
This past May I was faced with a really tough decision – listen to my intuition and follow the scary, uncertain, path, or take the safe route.
I chose the scary, uncertain, path. And once I did, I felt, for the first time in a long time, an overwhelmed sense of inner peace.
You see, I am a chronic safe-route picker.
It is the one that usually wins in my mind. I know I am not alone in this spot, so many of us tell ourselves where we are at is good enough – we are supposed to be here. We need to just stay the path for now. Something better will happen later, now is not the time.
But I have to tell you the other side – it’s a whole new level of inner peace that I am experiencing. And I want to help everyone else experience it as well! I can’t keep it all for myself; you need to feel it too!
So, I thought I would share with you my top five learnings that happened when I chose to listen, and trust, my intuition and inner voices.
Resiliency –I have described myself with this word more times in the last three months than in my whole life. Life will break us. Nobody can every protect us from that even if we are living alone in a cardboard box. But how we choose to remain in the eye of the storm says a lot about ourselves to ourselves. When you trust and listen to your intuition, resiliency is the frosting that keeps the cake together. It’s your internal glue. And who doesn’t love to feel resilient? The energy that comes from saying and feeling that word is like a firework going off on the top of a mountain!
Growth – I have read “Don’t just go through life, grow through life” many times and it is so profound for me. When I go through life and ignore all the signs and block out the whispers, I don’t grow. I have learned in the last couple of years to know that all the signs and heart-tugging whispers are for me and only me. No one else is hearing them but me so I better listen up. Once I started opening my eyes and ears more and trusting what I was seeing, the peace that showed up was the calm I was yearning for. Growth happens when we learn from these happenings. We trust our gut and grow.
Understanding – The fear of being in the same spot as I was right now was a hard feeling to grasp. I was not able to build in my head a vision of my business without first stepping into some hot coals and deconstructing some old ways. I had to listen to my inner knowing and trust that it was guiding me to my true path. The idea of missing out on it was too hard to ignore. And my intuition just kept telling me this. If you don’t go for it now, you are going to miss out on it all.
Armored – I have experienced many life situations where I didn’t trust and listen to the guidance only to have things end the opposite way I had hoped. But this time, after countless internal conversations, I told myself what if the Universe would have my back this time like it is always proclaiming? And man did it. I have a set of armor around me that I have never felt before. I am ready for anything with a strong, confident back, to carry the load.
The Rise – It is so true; we have to fall to rise. We have to go through the mud and muck, we have to feel the feels. Pain isn’t tragic, it is magic. Suffering in life is tragic. And suffering is what happens when we avoid our pain and consequently miss our becoming. I can’t imagine suffering in that spot and missing out on this magical place I am working from now. To quote Shivajee Pandey, “Don’t fear failure, fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.”
Are you trusting or fighting your intuition and inner voice?
I would love to connect and share with you how I can help you guide your inner knowing for a life-altering, transformation. You will experience an energy shift like no other.
If you are curious to know more, I offer a monthly package of four sessions for $395! Or click here to schedule a FREE 15-minute discovery call with me to learn more.