Increase Your Connection in 3 Steps

Increase Your Connection
Learn to increase your connection in 3 steps

Let’s say you met someone you really like and they seem charming and funny. You genuinely enjoy your conversations with them but you’re unsure on how to increase your connection with them.

But why can this be challenging?

Developing (and maintaining) a sense of connection with a potential partner is a process. And this process can be simple but challenging at times because it might require you to reexamine some limiting beliefs and blocks. 

We all want to feel heard, seen, and understood. We’re human beings and it’s natural. But in the world of modem dating, mindless swiping and ghosting, it can leave you feeling drained and guarded. Keep reading and check out these 3 ways that have personally helped me increase my sense of connection with friends, family and in my dating life: 

Three Ways To Increase Your Connection

Be Curious

Ask open ended questions. Be curious about who they are and what excites them. Ask questions that inspire a thoughtful response. Explore and accept who they are. 


Are you revealing the most authentic parts of yourself? The good and the ‘not so’ good parts too? No need to go in deeeep on the first few dates, but share what feels right to you. Yes, being vulnerable can be scary and may require you to trust someone without them “proving” themselves. But the results will be rewarding and worth it. It’s brave and can inspire the other person to open up as well. 

Listen Listen Listen

Are you living in the moment? Put away your phone and social media when you’re out with another person, it can be distracting. Make eye contact. Be fully present and engaged in the conversation. Ask yourself, are you listening to understand or just waiting for your time to talk? This can be practiced. If you’re unsure with what they mean, connect with your date by asking clarifying questions. Make sure you truly understand!

How do you think increasing your sense of connection might benefit your dating life today? 

What’s preventing you from feeling connected or creating a sense of connection?

One person has the power to change a relationship.

Everything can start with you. 

If this sounds like you, sign up below for a complimentary discovery call.