From Self Abandonment to Honoring Yourself in 4 Steps

In my last relationship, I found myself holding onto a glimmer of hope. Hoping his behavior would change, hoping he would finally meet my needs. I was waiting and waiting for him to “wake up”…

Spoiler alert: nothing changed. 

And when I finally had the courage to move forward, I was angry. 

Angry because I felt like I wasted so much time. Disappointed because I feared I would never meet the right person for me. Frustrated that I had entertained the bad behavior for far too long. 

I thought: “this must be it.” But it wasn’t. 

Acknowledge your true desires: Clarify exactly what you want and need. Think about it, picture it, and imagine how you will feel when you’re in your ideal situation. Why do you want this? Commit to this.

Stay aware: You absolutely have the power of conscious choice. What’s the cost of choosing to continue doing whatever you’re doing? You can try something new today. Stay open to this. 

Believe you are capable: Believe you are deserving of what you truly desire. This is a tough one for some of my clients. This was also tough for me in the beginning. Baby steps. Tell the universe what you deserve. The universe will listen and provide. Be this. 

Acceptance: Embrace where you are. You are doing the best you can. It is a matter of when not if. 

We are all a work in progress and I know this process works because I am living proof. 

Consider scheduling a 45 min discovery call right now.

No more “waiting until.” 

Your time starts now. 

It’s free and you have nothing to lose. 

Are you ready?