We Can Always Begin Again (How To Find Your Dream Job)

Dee came to me feeling overwhelmed and demoralized in her current role. In the past year, she had left a great job for what she hoped to be her dream job. But that move left her feeling helpless and without direction.

Now she spent her days searching, for countless hours, trying to find the next “perfect” job. The toxic work environment she was in would likely end soon, and she needed a plan quickly.

On the day we chatted, she said some familiar phrases I hear during discovery calls.

  • I have no energy, and I feel stuck and overwhelmed.
  • I have so many skills, and yet I don’t know what I want to do.

Should I just look for a job that doesn’t pay as much but I am at least happy?

She had come across my name after doing yet another middle of night google search.

She landed on the post of how I reinvented my career at 45. It caught her attention as she, too, was middle-aged. When she read my five steps to design your dream career, she was intrigued. Many of us can relate to Dee. You desire confidence and clarity around Who we are and What lights us up. There is a desire to uncover your superpowers and your gifts.

You are hopeful this new place will bring the energy and power you desire.

From my experience, I can tell you that once you are clear on who you are and what lights you up, the doors start to open for your dream job. Opportunities start appearing because you are looking for them. What seemed lost before and slipped through the cracks is now showing up frequently.

This program is for so many different types of mid-life women. Here are just a few examples that you might be able to relate to.

  • I want to enter a new career field, but I don’t know how to start.
  • I am ready to make a pivot and move my career forward where I currently work and keep getting unnoticed for promotions.
  • My energy and mojo are gone; I need to get it back!
  • I feel like I am starting to head down the wrong path, and I don’t know where else to go and still make this salary.
  • I took some time off work, and now I am ready to get back into the industry and have no clue how to get started.

My 5 Steps to Design Your Dream Career program will prepare you for what’s ahead. All while remaining accountable, focused and unstuck. It consists of thought-provoking coaching sessions, assessments, and various tools to set you up for success.

If you are looking to find your dream job and have no clue how to get started, let’s connect.
There is no reason to feel alone and overwhelmed. We can always begin again.