I used to take it personally if a guy didn’t immediately text me back,
Or if it seemed like someone didn’t want to be my friend,
Or if colleagues went out without me.
I created a “they must not be interested in me” story in my head.
Sound familiar?
You might have felt: frustrated, disappointed, or insecure. You might have given up on a potential relationship or friendship. Which is perfectly understandable, you’re human.
But what’s the cost of this interpretation?
How might this story hold you back?
Interpretations are usually created in the moment and can also come from the past. An interpretation is your opinion or a story you’ve created regarding a situation or circumstance.
The key is to remember that there may be other ways to look at it.
So if something like this were to happen to you: Pause and breathe.
Ask yourself:
-What’s another way I can look at this?
-What else might be going on?
-What might my best friend say about this?
So when you realize there might be an entirely different view of this, you automatically lessen the interpretation and raise your vibration!
You got this. This is your journey and this might be challenging to do on your own.
Are you struggling with trusting yourself or others, unsure if you should dust yourself off and try again in your relationship?
Do you fear rejection?
Want to learn my answer to fear of rejection that has allowed me to approach all of my relationships (platonic and romantic) more confidently?
Consider reaching out to me and scheduling a 45 min complimentary call.
I have something for you.
It’s free and you have nothing to lose.