Why I’m happy that relationship did not last

“Change is the only constant” 

What comes to mind when you read the above foundation principle?

When my last relationship ended I took it very personally. 

I thought: “Why me? Oh well, I guess I have to move on.”  

I felt rejected. I felt anxious. I didn’t feel good enough.  

At the time, I was very resistant to change because of fear. 

Fear of the unknown. 

Angry at my ex for giving up on the relationship.

This resulted in me ruminating on the couch, watching Netflix, and drinking numerous bottles of wine. 

But then I got my butt off the couch, went back into the gym, and hired a coach who helped me see the power in moving forward by releasing my anger, fear, loss, and resentment. 

You see, resistance to change mostly comes from perspective. 

And I was seeing my ex’s actions as a reflection of ME. 

But in reality, his actions were simply actions based on HIM stemming from his own history, his own beliefs, etc. 

“Change your thoughts and you change your world” 

I was now able to see aspects of that relationship a lot differently. 

So here is what I learned and why I’m happy that relationship didn’t last:

  • You learn to think before you act: Miscommunication can be a huge cause of break up. Learn to listen, acknowledge,  and respond with kindness.
  • Both people must choose each other: If the other person stopped choosing you, it won’t work. Their loss, your gain! 
  • You learn to accept people for who they are: All experiences have value. 
  • Now you get to date other people: 2020 isn’t over! Now you get to meet new people who can’t wait to love you back! 
  • You learn to love and appreciate yourself: There is power in learning to love and take care of yourself now! You’re worthy and no one can take that away from you. 

Now is the perfect time to start embracing and celebrating your greatness today by booking a complimentary Discovery Session with me.