The Freedom of Facing Change

The rapid rate of change of this year has been a constant reminder that I am only ever experiencing my own personal reality. 

Not my family’s reality 
Not my partner’s reality
Not my neighbor’s reality
Not my client’ reality

Mine and mine only. 

These ideas that I am having are my thoughts, my emotions, my interpretations. It is the story I am telling myself. 

Well sheesh! If I’m the author, why do I constantly pretend like I’m not writing the narrative?

When we realize this, it becomes abundantly clear that when we focus on someone else’s reality, our own energy shifts into a powerless, out of control, “icky” mode.

For me, I literally begin to feel “sticky.” Because it is sticky. I’m stuck! I am no longer free.

I’m stuck because I’ve given away my power to something or someone outside of myself. The True self always knows the way. When I ignore Her, deny Her, doubt Her she senses it and starts to feel out of alignment. She feels STUCK.

The number one rule in liberation–of living a life of freedom is to keep the focus on ourselves. Always. The True self is never not here. Boy is this rule a tall order in this year of 2020!

But he said this!

She did that.

I can’t believe what they just said!

Whatever it is that others are choosing to do, feel, say, or bring into this world to make manifest is about them. It’s their story. It is not about me. Can I remember that? 

Lately, my sanity depends on it. I have no choice in a world of uncertainty and change to remember the only power I actually ever had all along was the power within me.

Because I have to keep the focus on myself, I’m forced to remember that anything that needs to change can and will begin with change within me first. I know that when I am looking outside of myself for change I am not being honest with the reality of what needs to be seen within. This is my divine assignment.

When we have the courage to honestly address what needs to change within ourselves, we are fully in our power once again. 

How do you behave when you think the story is outside of yourself? 
When are you giving your power away? 
Where in your life do you have the opportunity to take your power back? 
What would change if you did?

Living life from the inside out is ready and waiting for you right at home with your True self.

Schedule A Discovery Call with me HERE