Learn To Fall In Love With YOURSELF

Do you see being single as an opportunity? 

So I will be the first person to tell you that I love love. 

I love falling in love and being in love.

(cue the butterflies, the champagne, and the romantic music)

I used to consider myself a relationship type of girl. 

I spent 90% of my 20s going from relationship to relationship. 

It was exciting to find a man I really liked, go through the courtship phase, become exclusive and then fall in love…

As you can see, I had a process. 

And it worked for a bit… until it didn’t.

Because 10% of the time when I was single, I was so frustrated! I was so busy trying to find “my ride or die”, I failed to see that I had the opportunity to become my own “ride or die”. 

When I finally embraced being single, I learned to be happy with myself. I learned to fall in love with myself.

As a break-up and dating coach, I see so many clients who struggle with being single or can’t seem to let go of “the one that got away”. 

So they hold onto that glimmer of hope or settle for that person who doesn’t quite meet their needs because “there’s probably no one better”.

That makes me so sad!

So what opportunities are available to you now that your single?

  1. Personal growth: I’m a huge believer in investing in your brain. You’re in charge of your life and no one can run it better than you! Now that you’re single, you can spend more time gaining new knowledge and learning new skills.  Learn more about yourself!  Embrace your authentic self. Hire a coach to help guide you through this transition!
  1. Hobbies and classes: You’ll have more time in your schedule to explore new hobbies and interests. Take a class, join The Single Girl’s Kit: Fall 🙂

Hang out with your friends you kinda neglected while you were in your relationship (guilty of this). Now you can build stronger friendships. 

  1. Lifestyle change: In my last relationship, I gained 10lbs in four years! I definitely developed some unhealthy habits and patterns. So when you’re single: you can prioritize your health more. You’ll also have more money because relationships can be expensive. Dating can be expensive. So when you’re single you’ll have more money to play with! Treat yourself! 

What other possibilities come up for you when you start to embrace your singlehood?

Start embracing and celebrating your greatness today by booking a complimentary Discovery Session with me. 

You don’t have to do it alone! 

And guess what?

The Single Girl’s Kit: Fall Edition is back September 23rd! 

Be fearless by breaking all the rules!

Be more self-confident!

Learn how to attract the man of your dreams!

You’re 100% worthy and the ladies of The Single Girl’s Kit never lower their standards!