Creating Change and Building Healthy Habits

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How many times have you tried to instill a new habit for yourself?

Maybe you want to get up and exercise before work, drink more water, take the stairs more, not eat out or save more money. If you are like most, your list is likely long and feels a bit overwhelming.

Creating change and building healthy habits starts with an understanding of your awareness. 

Before we can make any change, we need to get really curious about what we might be saying or doing that isn’t serving us. What stories are on constant repeat? We might also have a belief system that was instilled in us while growing up and it is now influencing us to make these new changes. 

All change needs to have some motivation behind it. 

In order to have motivations, you need to understand your personal behaviors as well. And our behaviors have all been influenced by one of six areas: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social and environmental.

Understanding where and why the influence is occurring can be the difference in achieving or detracting you from making the new change or habit. And for most of us, we haven’t taken the time to dig in and understand why this influence is not serving us.

Once we dig in, the odds of the change sticking are greater.

On June 11 and June 14, Tracy Hensel and I will be hosting an interactive workshop where we will start to dig into how you can create the change you desire and build new habits. From there, I will be offering a seven-week class where we take a deeper dive into our influencers. We will declare a change or habit we want to make for ourselves based on our new learnings. We are better together and with group support, your level of success just increased!

To sign up for the June 11 or June 14 one-hour class, click HERE. If you still have more questions or want to connect, I offer a complimentary 15-minute call. Click HERE to head to my scheduler. 

Starting June 16th, I am also offering a 4-week book club featuring the amazing book Untamed by Glennon Doyle! Each week, we will dive into a section of the book and discuss what we’ve read. We will combine this book along with some group coaching for a life-changing experience.

I will be offering a morning session and an evening session and spaces ARE LIMITED!

So join me and let’s start creating change in out lives!

You can view more about me and my life HERE!