Three Week Intense

Twenty-one days of intense self-work and accountability.

Join the wellness challenge, create healthy habits and jump start weight-loss.

The 2025 Quarter Two Session of 3 Week Intense begins in


The Challenge Begins APRIL 21st

Female in brown doing plank with bookshelves in background

It's Called Intense for a reason

The challenge includes following a diet completing the fitness requirements,  as well as other daily requirements. There are no FREE or OFF days on this challenge. Get all the details and your questions answered at the virtual meeting.


You will receive a packet of printable downloads including: 3WI Guidelines, Clean Eating Guide, a Habit Tracker and Activity Log


A link to a private Facebook group where you can interact with other members of the challenge as well as receive daily check-ins from Tracy. This group is filled with positivity and encouragement.


This webpage keeps everything in one place. It includes links for all videos, all downloadable documents as well as coupon codes, tips and tricks and more.


You will receive several videos covering each of the requirements of 3 Week Intense. This allow you to easily refer back to the information throughout the 21 day challenge.

Founder AND partner

Tracy started her coaching journey 14 years ago as a Health & Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer. Tracy spent years writing diet and cardio plans, resulting in success for her clients. Due to her many years of observation, Tracy has witnessed what prevents individuals from achieving their goals. Tracy has leveraged this information to help her clients overcome hurdles and roadblocks that keep them STUCK and where they don’t want to be! Tracy knows how to make things happen and has helped many women (and men) achieve their weight and fitness goals. Tracy coaches her clients at a high level of excellence, that packs a punch!

Expertly Led

Women in orange sitting on white bench in front of white brick wall


Tracy Hensel

Take Charge Of Your Life

The 21 day challenge officially begins Monday, April 21st

Registration CLOSES Sunday, April 20th at 11:00 AM EST.

There will be no Live Q&A | There will be a post in the Facebook Community where you can leave questions. Tracy will answer those Live on Facebook on Monday, April 21st.

Informational Email, Video & Guidelines page will emailed Monday, April 14th around 5:00 PM est. This will ensure a full week to watch the videos and determine any questions.

$77 |  No Refunds

**The informational video will be emailed to you on Monday, April 14th from (check your SPAM folder)

If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please view our FAQ sheet HERE

Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail

Well no stats or weigh ins but I am thrilled that this 21 day challenge got me to the mile marker I have been working towards for 2 years. I say that as an encouragement to myself and whom ever else needs to hear this because it has been a process. No quick fixes. No fad diets. No Eating disorder. Just slow, steady, determined, and consistent steps and choices. I will be back again. My mile marker: I am back down a pant size and had to buy a new belt!

Kristina R.

November 2022 Participant

Tracy, thank you for this program! I have been amazed what I am capable of. While I never thought I was someone that needed diet or exercise changes in my life, I am realizing how wishy washy I was and that I really wasn’t getting the job done. I’ve recognized how frequently I am listening to the noise of the world and am working on changing my mindset. These three weeks have truly been life changing and I look forward to carrying new habits into the future!

Erica N.

January 2023 Participant

After losing another 1.1 pounds for a grand total of 6.2 in 3 weeks, I want to thank you Tracy Hensel for showing me that if I DO need to reboot my diet by eliminating bread, alcohol and dessert, I CAN do it. And folks, I didn’t know if I could when I started! I feel like what I gained by what I lost was an inspirational guide in Tracy, along with some supportive new friends who understand that the struggle IS real, whether you’re at your weight window or not! BTW, I drove to my daughter’s house in Florida yesterday and here we are at dinner! Yours truly was happy to be sticking to the program for one more night and has NO intention of blowing all my hard work by going crazy this week.

Dawn T.

January 2023 Participant

Choose Your Hard

Women sitting on stool in brown outfit with white background
Thank you Tracy for this program!  I’ve been considering it for quite some time, undecided on if it would help or if I’d be able to complete the full program.  I am so grateful that I signed up and completed it! 

The 3-week intense program has reignited my exercise routine.  Instead of waking up each day thinking “I should do a workout”, I’m thinking “I get to do a workout”.  My body wants to move and be active.  In less than a month, I’ve increased the weights in my strength training, increased my cardio time, and have a realistic workout routine set for myself.   Planning next week this week sets me up for success. 

Cleaning up my diet was so necessary.  I’d become lax/lazy with my eating, relying on processed foods, snacks, and eating out frequently.  I travel for work, sometimes a week at a time, which can be challenging to stick to a clean eating plan.  I have work travel for the next two weeks, and already have a plan for what I’ll take, what I’ll eat out, and what I’ll just say “no thanks” to.  

I have signed up for 3rd quarter 3 Week  Intense and look forward to more growth while working on myself. 
Corine Helton